Stability of Zidovudine and Ranitidine in 0.9% sodium Chloride and 5% Dextrose Injections Stored at Ambient Temperature (23 ± 2°C) and 4°C in 50-mL Polyvinylchloride Bags Up to 24 Hours.
Author(s): Musami Patrick, Stewart James T, Taylor E Will
Issue: May/Jun 2004 - Andropause
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Page(s): 236-239
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Abstract: The stability of a 2-mg/mL zidovudine and 0.5-mg/mL ranitidine admixture stored in 0.9% sodium chloride and 5% dextrose injections in 50-mL polyvinylchloride bags at ambient temperature and 4°C up to 24 hours was studied. The samples were analyzed at 0, 4, 8 and 24 hours after preparation of the controls and admixtures by means of a reverse-phase, stability-indicating, high-performance liquid chromatographic method. The drug mixtures were stable for up to 24 hours, showing levels of greater than 90% of the initial drug concentrations at the time of preparation. The pH of the admixtures was in the pH 5–6 range. These data support the stability of the zidovudine and ranitidine admixture under the storage conditions studied.
Related Keywords: Musami, Patrick, MS, Stewart, James T., PhD, Taylor, E. Will, PhD, Ranitidine and zidovudine admixture, stability of, Zidovudine and ranitidine admixture, stability of