Pharmacy Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) Articles |
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Quality Assurance: Compounding Record Audits for Error Prevention
Hawkins Jessica
May/Jun 2023
Pg. 211-217
Compounding for Investigational and Clinical Studies
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2022
Pg. 201-209
PreScription: Regulations, Laws, Standards, Guidelines, Procedures, Etc
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2019
Pg. 356
Summary of Quality-Control Testing for Sterile and Nonsterile Compounded Preparations, Part 1: Physical and Chemical Testing
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2019
Pg. 211-216
Component Selection for Sterile Compounding
Dilzer Richard H
Jul/Aug 2017
Pg. 277-280
Adventures in the Environmental World and Environmental Microbiology Sampling of Air for Pharmaceutical Sterile Compounding
Ligugnana Roberto
May/Jun 2017
Pg. 182-190
Introduction to Quality Control in a Compounding Pharmacy
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2016
Pg. 481-484
Standarized Compounding: The Importance of Doing it the Same Way Every Time
Dillon L Rad
Mar/Apr 2015
Pg. 109-112
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Establishing Powder-handling Workflow Practices and Standard Operating Procedures: Compounding Pharmacy and Safety
Prince Bryan, Lundevall Jeremy
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 222-226
Improving the Review of Standard Operating Procedures: A Novel Electronic System for Compounding Pharmacies
Brensel Robert, Brensel Scott, Ng Amy
Nov/Dec 2013
Pg. 465-475
Quality Control Analytic Methods: Quality Planning, Part 1: A Holistic and Practical Approach
Odegard Russell D
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 393-399
Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <1163> Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 1
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2012
Pg. 146-150
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Endotoxins: Essential Testing for Pyrogens in the Compounding Laboratory, Part 2
Cooper James F, Chakrabarty Kaushik, McGuire Jason, Zolner William J, Jones Vann, Hedman Hilary
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 493-506
Prophylaxis Against Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens During Compounding
Williams Angie, Mixon William
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 14-18
Considerations for Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Pharmacy Compounding Sterile Preparations, Part 17: Elements of Quality Control
Okeke Claudia C, Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 60-64
Evaluation of a Simple Method for Visual Detection of Microprecipitates in Blends of Parenteral Drug Solutions Using a Focussed (Tyndall) Light Beam
Veggeland Turid, Brandl Martin
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 78-81
Basics of Compounding: Considerations for Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding--Sterile Preparations, Part 16: Suggested Standard Operating Procedures
Okeke Claudia C, Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2009
Pg. 546-553
Preparing Nonsterile and Sterile Hazardous Compounds in an Institutional Setting
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2009
Pg. 300-310
Standard Operating Procedure: Dealing with Patients Experiencing Pain: Presenting without a Prescription
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2008
Pg. 259
Establishing a Quality-Assurance Program for Hospital Compounding
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2008
Pg. 116-120
Basics of Compounding: Considerations for Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding--Sterile Preparations, Part 6: 2008 Revisions to Chapter <797>
Allen Loyd V Jr, Okeke Claudia C
Mar/Apr 2008
Pg. 136-144
Standard Operating Procedure: Compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2008
Pg. 63
Basics of Compounding: Considerations for Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding--Sterile Preparations, Part 4: Considerations in Selection and Use of Disinfectants and Antiseptics
Allen Loyd V Jr, Okeke Claudia C
Nov/Dec 2007
Pg. 492-499
Standard Operating Procedure: Vial Crimper--Use, Care, Cleaning, and Maintenance
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2007
Pg. 502-503
Obtaining Accreditation by the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board, Part 2: Developing Essential Standard Operating Procedures
Cabaleiro Joe
Sep/Oct 2007
Pg. 397-398
Standard Operating Procedure: Complaint and Mishap Rectification
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2007
Pg. 414-415
Quality-control Analytical Methods: Logbooks and Documentation Forms
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2007
Pg. 306-311
Standard Operating Procedure: U.S. Food and Drug Administration Inspection--Releasing a Sample to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Kupiec Tom, Kemp Jesse
Jul/Aug 2007
Pg. 326-327
Standard Operating Procedure: Basic Compounding Documentation--the Master Formula Form
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2007
Pg. 240-241
Quality Control: Standard Operating Procedures--An Essential Tool for Developing Quality Preparations
Ashworth Lisa D
May/Jun 2007
Pg. 226-229
Standard Operating Procedure: Discarding of Broken Glass
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2007
Pg. 153
Standard Operating Procedure: Refrigerator—Installation,Maintenance, Cleaning, and Power Interruptions
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2007
Pg. 66-67
Standard Operating Procedure: Inventory--Veterinary Drugs and Supplies
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2006
Pg. 450-451
Standard Operating Procedure: Procedures in the Event of Nonconformance of Bulk Chemicals or Compounded Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2006
Pg. 381
Quality Control Analytical Methods: A Guide to Quality Control Testing for the Compounding Pharmacist
Zolner William J
Jul/Aug 2006
Pg. 281-284
Standard Operating Procedure: Testing of Water Supply: Barnstead D4751 High Purity Water System
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2006
Pg. 296-297
Standard Operating Procedure: Sterility Test for Ophthalmic Solutions
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2006
Pg. 218
Standard Operating Procedure: Labconco Basic 47 Laboratory Hood
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2006
Pg. 135
Standard Operating Procedure: Shipping of Prescriptions
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2006
Pg. 56-57
Standard Operating Procedure: Washing Glassware and Equipment Used in Compounding Nonsterile Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2005
Pg. 470
Standard Operating Procedure: Denver Instrument Company M-120 Analytical Balance--Calibration, Cleaning, and Use
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2005
Pg. 382-383
Standard Operating Procedure: Employee Personnel Records
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2005
Pg. 309
Standard Operating Procedure: Exhaust System Airflow Monitoring (Individual Capsule Stations)
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2005
Pg. 222-223
Standard Operating Procedure: SOP Master Book--Maintenance
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2005
Pg. 145
Standard Operating Procedure: Compounding with Concentrated Acids
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2005
Pg. 61
Standard Operating Procedure: Pharmacy Computer System Access to and Maintenance of the Master Formula Records
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2004
Pg. 381
Standard Operating Procedure: Determining and Documenting the Commercial Unavailability of a Manufactured Drug Product
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2004
Pg. 292-293
Standard Operating Procedure: Disposal of Chemicals
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2004
Pg. 210
Calibration/Validation of Incubator Temperature
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2004
Pg. 130-131
Handling of Syringes and Needles
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2004
Pg. 49
Storage of Bulk Chemicals and Finished Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2003
Pg. 464-465
Standard Operating Procedure: Incubator Cleaning
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2003
Pg. 370-371
How to Handle a Product Recall
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2003
Pg. 292-293
Standard Operating Procedure: Incubator Temperature Monitoring
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2003
Pg. 228-229
Autoclave Efficiency Validation
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2003
Pg. 126-127
Determining the Availability of a Commercial Drug
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 44-45
Cleaning and Disinfection
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2002
Pg. 466-467
Collecting Laboratory and Other Clinical Efficacy Data on Veterinary Patients
Davidson Gigi S, Ashworth Lisa D
Sep/Oct 2002
Pg. 384-385
Standard Operaing Procedure for the Quality Assessment of Nasal Solutions
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2002
Pg. 306-307
Developing Standard Operating Procedures
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2002
Pg. 224-225
Standard Operating Procedure: Evaluating and Selecting an Analytical Testing Laboratory
Ashworth Lisa D, Gordon Dana, Leiter Charles W, Snow Whit
Mar/Apr 2002
Pg. 149-150
Safety for Employees in the Compounding Work Area
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2002
Pg. 60-61
Training Personnel
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2001
Pg. 474-475
Developing a Capsule Formulation
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2001
Pg. 392-393
Maintenance of the Cleanroom
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2001
Pg. 313
Establishing and Maintaining a Compounding Pharmacy Reference Library
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2001
Pg. 226-227
Standard Operating Procedure: Certificates of Analysis of Materials Used for Pharmaceutical Compounding
Mar/Apr 2001
Pg. 147
Purchasing Chemicals for Pharmaceutical Compounding
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2001
Pg. 67-68
Assignment of a Beyond-Use Date for Compounded Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2000
Pg. 474-475
Basic Compounding Documentation: The Batch Control Sheet
Tenreiro Kim
Sep/Oct 2000
Pg. 395
Basic Compounding Documentation: The Master Formula Form
Tenreiro Kim
Jul/Aug 2000
Pg. 313-312
Assignment of Beyond-Use Dates
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2000
Pg. 222
Standard Operating Procedure for Cleaning Glassware
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2000
Pg. 144
Calibration of Hot Plates
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2000
Pg. 64-65
Operation of a Dry-Heat Sterilizing Oven and Validation of this Procedure
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 1999
Pg. 488-489
Standard Operating Procedure: Quality Assessment for Injectable Solutions
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 1999
Pg. 406-407
Standard Operating Procedure for Quality Assessment of Special Hard-Gelatin Capsules
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 1999
Pg. 312-313
Standard Operating Procedure for Quality Assessment of Powder-Filled, Hard-Gelatin Capsules
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 1999
Pg. 232-233
Standard Operating Procedure for Quality Assessment of Oral and Topical Liquids
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 1999
Pg. 146-147
Standard Operating Procedure for Performing Physical Quality Assessment of Suppositories, Troches, Lollipops and Sticks
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 1999
Pg. 56-57
Environmental Compounding
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 1998
Pg. 454
Standard Operating Procedure for Quality Assessment of Parenteral Nutrition Products
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 1998
Pg. 380-381
Standard Operating Procedure for Physical Quality Assessment of Ointments/Creams/Gels
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 1998
Pg. 308-309
General Aseptic Procedures Used at a Laminar Airflow Workbench
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 1998
Pg. 242
Class A Prescription Torsion Balance Performance Tests
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 1998
Pg. 166-167
Standard Operating Procedure for Particulate Testing for Sterile Products
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 1998
Pg. 78
Cleaning, Inspecting and Flow-Accuracy Testing of Ambulatory Pumps
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 1997
Pg. 430-431
Maintenance of Horizontal Laminar Airflow Hood
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 1997
Pg. 344-345
Monitoring Air Temperature and Humidity
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 1997
Pg. 268-269
Pipette Calibration
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 1997
Pg. 192-193
Use, Standardization, Care of a pH Meter
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 1997
Pg. 116-117
Electronic Balance Maintenance/Calibration
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 1997
Pg. 45
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