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Author Search Results
Author Search Results for "McElhiney LInda F"
(Click for Abstract / Details / Purchase)
Magic Mouthwashes- A Literature Review and Discussion of Common Compositions
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2024
Pg. 94-98
Case Report: The Quest for a Palatable Compounded Metronidazole (Base) Suspension
McElhiney Linda F
Jan/Feb 2021
Pg. 24-28
Pharmacies on the Frontline: Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2020
Pg. 287-295
Nimodipine Compounded Oral Suspension: A True Documented Medical Need
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2019
Pg. 106-111
Basics of Compounding: Providing Pharmacy Services to Bariatric Surgery Patients
McElhiney Linda F
Jan/Feb 2018
Pg. 30-39
Preventing Medication Errors with Nimodipine by Compounding Proper Dosage Forms
McElhiney Linda F
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 364-368
Use of Topical Metronidazole in the Treatment of Anorectal Crohn's Disease
McElhiney Linda F
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 380-383
Quality Control Analytical Methods: End-preparation Assessments and Tests for Compounded Sterile Preparations
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 307-311
Optimizing Third-party Reimbursement for Compounded Medications
McElhiney Linda F
May/Jun 2013
Pg. 201-204
I See Colors: Using Vital Dyes in Diagnosing Ophthalmic Disease
McElhiney Linda F
May/Jun 2012
Pg. 190-195
Misinterpretation of United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797>
McElhiney Linda F
Jan/Feb 2012
Pg. 6-10
Glutaraldehyde-treated Autologous Pericardium Used in Valve Repairs
McElhiney Linda F
Jan/Feb 2012
Pg. 12-16
Lessons Learned from a Continuous Quality-Improvement Testing Program
McElhiney Linda F
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 372-374
Magic Mouthwashes: A Literature Review and Discussion of Common Compositions
McElhiney Linda F
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 376-380
Updated Case Report: The Use of Topical Concentrated Capsaicin Cream to Treat Erythromelalgia in a Pediatric Patient
McElhiney Linda F
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 386-387
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Aqua Pura: Water Purification Systems and United States Pharmacopeia Waters for the Compounding Pharmacy, Part 3: Testimonials and Comparisons
James Kate
Allred Richard
Latta Kenneth S
McElhiney Linda F
Olson Jacob
Hall Richard M
Baker Chad
Armstrong Nicholas
Janik Peter
Whitehead Paul
Purcell Julian
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 390-407
Treating Inner Ear Disorders with Intratympanic Drug Administration
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2011
Pg. 302-307
Case Report: The Use of Topical Concentrated Capsaicin Cream to Treat Erythromelalgia in a Pediatric Patient
McElhiney Linda F
May/Jun 2011
Pg. 194-199
Developing an Erythromycin Ophthalmic Ointment: Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2010
Pg. 270-274
Case Report: The Use of Inhaled Cyclosporine to Treat Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome in a Lung Transplant Patient
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2010
Pg. 112-115
Developing a Tretinoin Oral Liquid for Patients Who Cannot Take Capsules
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2010
Pg. 118-123
Calculating Carbohydrate Content of Compounded Medications for Patients on a Ketogenic Diet
McElhiney Linda F
Cheng Angela
Meshberger Laura
Imai Lara
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 21-25
Unit Dose Packaging and Repackaging of Solid and Liquid Dosage Forms in an Institutional Setting
McElhiney Linda F
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 32-38
An Overview of United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <795> and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Guidelines for Nonsterile Compounding
McElhiney Linda F
Nov/Dec 2009
Pg. 525-530
Preparing Nonsterile and Sterile Hazardous Compounds in an Institutional Setting
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2009
Pg. 300-310
Compounded Medications in a Hospital Setting: Patient Counseling and Staff Education
McElhiney Linda F
May/Jun 2009
Pg. 224-229
Compliance by Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities with the Revised United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797>
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2009
Pg. 94-98
Treating Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infections with Compounded Vancomycin Preparations
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2009
Pg. 120-124
Compounding for Manufacturer Backorders and Discontinuations: "Oh, No! Not Again!"
McElhiney Linda F
Jan/Feb 2009
Pg. 20-25
Compounding Challenges for Immunocompromised Patients
McElhiney Linda F
Nov/Dec 2008
Pg. 482-487
Beyond-Use Dating, Labeling, Delivery, and Storage of Compounded and Repackaged Mediations in a Hospital or Institutional Setting
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2008
Pg. 316-320
Compounded Local Anesthetics to Minimize Pain from Medical Procedures
McElhiney Linda F
May/Jun 2008
Pg. 192-197
Establishing a Quality-Assurance Program for Hospital Compounding
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2008
Pg. 116-120
Challenges of Compounding for Patients on the Ketogenic Diet
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2007
Pg. 116-120
Records and Record-Keeping for the Hospital Compounding Pharmacist
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2007
Pg. 138-143
Information Resources and Software for the Hospital Compounding Pharmacist
McElhiney Linda F
Jan/Feb 2007
Pg. 36-41
Sevelamer Suspension in Children with End-Stage Renal Disease
McElhiney Linda F
Jan/Feb 2007
Pg. 20-24
Equipment, Supplies, and Facilities Required for Hospital Compounding
McElhiney Linda F
Nov/Dec 2006
Pg. 436-441
Topical Cidofovir for Treatment of Resistant Viral Infections
McElhiney Linda F
Sep/Oct 2006
Pg. 324-328
Education, Training, and Evaluation of Hospital Compounding Personnel
McElhiney Linda F
Sep/Oct 2006
Pg. 361-368
Compounded Treatment Options for Cystitis and Other Bladder Problems
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2006
Pg. 270-275
Introduction to Hospital Compounding
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2006
Pg. 245-250
Compounding for a Pediatric Hospital
McElhiney Linda F
Nov/Dec 2005
Pg. 423-431
N-acetylcysteine Used to Decrease the Incidence of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy Following Radiographic Procedures: A Literature Review
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2005
Pg. 99-103
USP Chapter <797> and Preparing for a JCAHO Survey
McElhiney Linda F
Jan/Feb 2005
Pg. 23-28
A Need for Propylene Glycol-Free Ascorbic Acid Oral Liquid
McElhiney Linda F
Nov/Dec 2004
Pg. 458-460
Precepting: A Win-Win Situation for All
McElhiney LInda F
May/Jun 2004
Pg. 194-195
Developing and Providing Compounding Services for Hospitals Involved in a Merger
McElhiney Linda F
Jan/Feb 2004
Pg. 36-39
Educating the Caregiver and Community Pharmacist To Facilitate Provision of Consistent Compounded Medications from the Inpatient to Ambulatory Settings
McElhiney Linda F
Sep/Oct 2003
Pg. 394-398
Postcription: Does Your Pharmacy Practice Follow the Pharmacist Code of Ethics?
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2003
Pg. 320
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