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Environmental Articles
(Click for Abstract / Details / Purchase)
Basics of Sterile Compounding: Sterilization Methods in Sterile Product Manufacturing
Akers Michael J
May/Jun 2024
Pg. 229-240

Safer Sterile Compounding: Choosing and Using Disinfectants for the Cleanroom
Kastango Eric S
, Douglass Kate, Patel Kedar, Givehchi Babak, Brister Paul, Postlewaite Jay, Taraban Laura
Jan/Feb 2024
Pg. 44-55

Environmental Sterility-control Practices in Selected Retail Pharmacies in Sri Lanka: A Study in Kandy District
Tennakoon TMIUK
, Thayananthan Anoya
Nov/Dec 2023
Pg. 503-511

Advanced Compounding; How to Investigate Microbiological Excursions at a Sterile Compounding Facility
Summers Amy
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 114-121

Sterile Basics: How to Know if Your Cleanroom Can Consistently Operate Within a State of Control
Summers Amy
, Stephens Pat
Jan/Feb 2023
Pg. 39-46

Sterile Basics of Compounding: Contamination Control Strategies, Part 2
Summers Amy
Nov/Dec 2022
Pg. 497-504

Sterile Basics of Compounding: Contamination Control Strategies, Part 1
Summers Amy
Sep/Oct 2022
Pg. 411-418

Effectiveness of a New Ultraviolet C Disinfection System to Inactivate Airborne Coronavirus in Different Environmental Conditions
Marianni Bruna
, Polonini Hudson
Sep/Oct 2022
Pg. 432-435

Compounding for Investigational and Clinical Studies
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2022
Pg. 201-209

Sterile Basics of Compounding: Particulates in Parenteral Preparations: Sources, Minimization, and Detection
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2022
Pg. 219-228

Quality Control: Photodocumentation in Pharmacy Compounding
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2022
Pg. 116-117

Sterile Basics of Compounding: Methods of Sterilization and Depyrogenation
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2022
Pg. 129-136

Evaluation of Closed-system Transfer Devices in Reducing Potential Risk for Surface Contamination Following Simulated Hazardous-drug Preparation and Compounding (Reprint)
Soefje Scott
, Rickabaugh Keith, Rajkumar Rahul, Wall Kathryn P
Jan/Feb 2022
Pg. 72-79

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Intravenous Admixture Preparation, Part 12: United States Pharmacopeia Chapters Referenced in the Current United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding -- Sterile Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2021
Pg. 491-496

Evaluation of Closed-system Transfer Devices in Reducing Potential Risk for Surface Contamination Following Simulated Hazardous-drug Preparation and Compounding
Soefje Scott
, Rickabaugh Keith, Rajkumar Rahul, Wall Kathryn P
Nov/Dec 2021
Pg. 515-522

PreScription: Permissible Exposure Limits and United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <800>
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2021
Pg. 356

Expecting the Expected: Planning Considerations for Cleanroom Construction
Roberts Patricia A
, Kroon Laura
Jul/Aug 2021
Pg. 276-281

Pharmacy Technicians' Perceptions of Risk Reduction Strategies Implemented in Response to the Repetitive Strain Injury Associated with Sterile Compounding
Zamani Mazdak
, Chan Kayin, Wilcox Julie
May/Jun 2021
Pg. 182-186

Quality Control: Testing for "Micromonsters": Viable Air and Surface Sampling in Aseptic Compounding
Mulder Kyle
May/Jun 2021
Pg. 211-216

PreScription: The Past (-->2020), The Present, and The Future (2021-->)
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2021
Pg. 92

Descriptive Report of Individual State Responses to Personal Protective Equipment Shortages for Pharmacy Practice During the Covid-10 Pandemic
Roberts Patricia A
, Eberwein Samuel M, Youmans Danielle, Amerine Lindsey B
Mar/Apr 2021
Pg. 109-113

Reversing Erectile Dysfunction and Urinary Incontinence After Prostatectomy or Radiotherapy: The Stanley Prostate-Cancer Treatment Protocol
McKettrick Greg
, Yoch Doug
Jan/Feb 2021
Pg. 18-23

Safety Standards in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 3: Fire Safety
Allen W Chris
, Greeson Nicole MH, Mixon William
Nov/Dec 2020
Pg. 451-458

Establishing a Structured Pharmacy Training Program in Sterile Compounding
Dirbas Muhannad
, AbuSara Aseel K, Whiyabi Shatha, Harb Rema, Telfah Shorouq
Nov/Dec 2020
Pg. 460-465

Development of Stable and Simple Finasteride 333-μg/mL Suspensions that Minimize Occupational Exposure
Ma Nathan
, Perks William, Law Shirley, Iazzetta John, Walker Scott
Nov/Dec 2020
Pg. 519-527

Safety Standards in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 2: A Closer Look at Agency Information, Oversight, and Assistance
Greeson Nicole MH
, Mixon William, Allan W Chris
Sep/Oct 2020
Pg. 371-379

Efficacy of an Automated Robotic Cleaning Device for Compounding Pharmacies
Polonini Hudson
, Dijkers Eli CF, Ferreira Anderson O, da Silva Sharlene L, Araújo Paulo Victor C, Koulouridas Savvas
Sep/Oct 2020
Pg. 426-433

Safety Standards in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 1: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Greeson Nicole MH
, Mixon William, Allan W Chris
Jul/Aug 2020
Pg. 270-276

Quality Control: Rapid Sterility Testing for Compounding Pharmacies
Taylor Andrew
Jul/Aug 2020
Pg. 299-303

Quality Control: Photostability of Compounded Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2020
Pg. 200-205

Primary Engineering Controls in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 2: Biosafety Cabinets
Mulder Kyle
Jan/Feb 2020
Pg. 7-12

Quality Control: Personal Protective Equipment for Use When Handling Hazardous Drugs
Dillon L R
Jan/Feb 2020
Pg. 30-36

Primary Engineering Controls in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 1: Unidirectional-airflow Workstations, Compounding Aseptic Isolators, and Compounding Aseptic Containment Isolators
Mulder Kyle
Nov/Dec 2019
Pg. 447-452

Quality Control: Hand and Glove Sanitizing in Sterile Compounding, Part 2
Greeson Nicole MH
, Mixon William, Huslage Kirk, Stiegel Matthew A, Thomann Wayne R
Nov/Dec 2019
Pg. 467-471

Evaluation of Containment Ventilated Enclosure Performance in Absence of Negative Pressure Containment Secondary Engineering Control
Hutson Chad
, Day A J
Nov/Dec 2019
Pg. 511-518

Quality Control: Hand and Glove Sanitizing in Sterile Compounding, Part 1
Greeson Nicole MH
, Mixon William, Huslage Kirk, Stiegel Matthew A, Thomann Wayne R
Sep/Oct 2019
Pg. 387-391

PreScription: Temperatures by Degrees
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2019
Pg. 268

Contamination Control in Compounding Areas
Mulder Kyle
, Gonzales Ben A
Jul/Aug 2019
Pg. 271-278

Evaluation of the Quality of Sterile Compounding Videos Available on the YouTube Video-sharing Website
Sluggett Janet K
, Johnson Michelle J, Zamani Mazdak, Kastango Eric S, Bodnar Mark, Cantor Peter, Hobbs Jodie G, Reynolds Karen J, Sluggett Andrew J
May/Jun 2019
Pg. 238-244

Basics of Compounding for Sterile, Nonsterile, and Quality Control Compounding: Process Analytical Technology: Appropriate for Sterile and Nonsterile Compounding?
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2019
Pg. 123-130

Quality Control and Basics of Sterile Compounding: Attempting to Avoid Out-of-Specification Results and Patient Harm in Sterile Compounding
Martin Matt
Jan/Feb 2019
Pg. 47-49

Basics of Sterile Compounding. Quality Assurance and Quality Control: Being Prepared for U.S. Food and Drug Administration Inspections and Staying in Compliance with United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797>: Part 2
Martin Matt
Nov/Dec 2018
Pg. 475-478

Certification of Powder-containment Hoods for Nonsterile Compounding
Mulder Kyle
, Dozzi Raphael
Sep/Oct 2018
Pg. 369-384

Compounding Enclosures: Ensuring Safety During the Preparation of Sterile and Nonsterile Formulations
Ashe Krystina
, Baskett Dustin
Sep/Oct 2018
Pg. 387-398

Quality Control: Water Activity Considerations for Beyond-use Dates
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2018
Pg. 288-293

Kinetics of Tetracaine Solvolysis in Propylene Glycol
McPherson Timothy B
, Neumann William L, Goolsby Michael, Kolling William M
Jul/Aug 2018
Pg. 329-334

Long-term Physicochemical Stability of Concentrated Solutions of Noradrenaline Bitartrate in Polypropylene Syringes for Administration in the Intensive Care Unit
Lardinois Benjamin
, Pector Johan, Delcave Charlotte, Soumoy Laura, Jamart Jacques, Bihin B, Hecq Jean-Daniel, Galanti Laurence M
Jul/Aug 2018
Pg. 335-339

Trace Level Analysis of Airborne Hormone Particulates
Trimble John O
, Hampton Shanna
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 257-263

Certification, Accreditation, and Credentialing for 503A Compounding Pharmacies
Pritchett Jon
, McCrory Gary, Kraemer Cheri, Jensen Brenda, Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2018
Pg. 7-16

Change Is In the Air: What You Need to Know About Pharmacy Ventilation Under United States Pharmacopeia <800>
Laniewicz Cheryl
Jul/Aug 2017
Pg. 271-274

Adventures in the Environmental World and Environmental Microbiology Sampling of Air for Pharmaceutical Sterile Compounding
Ligugnana Roberto
May/Jun 2017
Pg. 182-190

Microbiologic Testing for 503A Sterile-Compounding Pharmacies
Mixon William
, Roth Abby
May/Jun 2017
Pg. 193-203

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Manipulating Peptides and Proteins
Akers Michael J
May/Jun 2017
Pg. 223-228

Quality Control: (Material) Safety Data Sheets
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2017
Pg. 118-124

Analytic Methods Used in Quality Control in a Compounding Pharmacy
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2017
Pg. 31-37

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Personnel Requirements for Sterile Compounding
Akers Michael J
Jul/Aug 2016
Pg. 307-314

Root Cause Analysis, Part 2: Sterile Compounding
Cabaleiro Joe
, Jackson Kathleen
Mar/Apr 2016
Pg. 99-104

Safe Cytotoxic Drug Preparation Using a Closed-system Transfer Device: Technical and Practical Evaluation of a New Device (Vialshield/Texium) Comparatively to a Reference One (Phaseal)
Garrigue Philippe
, Montana Marc, Ventre Christophe, Savry Amadine, Gauthier-Villano Laurence, Pisano Pascale, Pourroy Bertrand
Mar/Apr 2016
Pg. 148-154

Microbial Identification in Pharmaceutical Compounding
Hyde Tiffany
, Anstead James, Schade Lisa, Zellner James
Jan/Feb 2016
Pg. 13-18

Safer Sterile Compounding: Choosing and Using Disinfectants for the Cleanroom
Kastango Eric S
, Douglass Kate, Patel Kedar, Givehchi Babak, Brister Paul, Postlewaite Jay, Taraban Laura
Jul/Aug 2015
Pg. 268-278

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Barrier Isolator Technologist in Aseptic Processing
Akers Michael J
Jul/Aug 2015
Pg. 315-320

Dry-heat Depyrogenation Ovens for Pharmaceutical Compounding Facilities
Weller Tom
, Kragseth Rolf, Dullinger Roger, Illum Henrik, Perry Alan
May/Jun 2015
Pg. 182-192

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Contamination Control
Akers Michael J
May/Jun 2015
Pg. 232-238

New England Compounding Center Indictment
Cabaleiro Joe
Mar/Apr 2015
Pg. 94-102

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Sterilization Methods in Sterile Product Manufacturing
Akers Michael J
Mar/Apr 2015
Pg. 127-138

Agar Transfer Devices for Environmental Sampling in the Compounding Pharmacy: Science and Compliance
Grilli Anthony
, Sutton Scott
Jan/Feb 2015
Pg. 30-37

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Aseptic Processing
Akers Michael J
Jan/Feb 2015
Pg. 49-56

Depyrogenation Options for the Compounding Cleanroom
Weller Tom
, Bell Jeff, Dullinger Roger, Allen Vern, Anthenat Bruce
Nov/Dec 2014
Pg. 446-454

Basics of Compounding: Unique and Special Characteristics of Sterile Dosage Forms
Akers Michael J
Nov/Dec 2014
Pg. 479-484

Roboticized Compounding of Oncology Drugs in a Hospital Pharmacy
Palma Elisabetta
, Bufarini Celestino
Sep/Oct 2014
Pg. 358-364

Basics of Compounding: Certification of Sterile Equipment and Facilities: What Pharmacists Need to Know
Lanze Amanda
, Rudner Shara
Sep/Oct 2014
Pg. 397-399

Basics of Compounding: Tips and Hints, Part 5: Facilities and Equipment
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2014
Pg. 401-404

Vial Washers for the Compounding Pharmacy: Ensuring Preparation Safety
Johnson Kain
, Sully Andrew, Anthenat Bruce
Jul/Aug 2014
Pg. 270-276

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Establishing Powder-handling Workflow Practices and Standard Operating Procedures: Compounding Pharmacy and Safety
Prince Bryan
, Lundevall Jeremy
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 222-226

Examination of the Order of Incubation for the Recovery of Bacteria and Fungi from Pharmaceutical-grade Cleanrooms
Sandle Tim
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 242-247

Tips and Hints: Powders, Capsules, Tablets, Suppositories, and Sticks
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 42-45

Quality Control Analytical Methods: A Growing Codependency: Compounding Pharmacy and Safety
Prince Bryan
, Lundeval Jeremy
Nov/Dec 2013
Pg. 485-489

Compounding Pharmacies: Before and After an Inspection
Kulkarni Darshan
, Ricketts Samantha
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 358-362

Quality Control Analytic Methods: Quality Planning, Part 1: A Holistic and Practical Approach
Odegard Russell D
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 393-399

Complying with Occupational Safety and Health Administration Regulations: A Guide for Compounding Pharmacists
Mixon Bill
, Nain John
May/Jun 2013
Pg. 182-190

Decontamination Technology: The Missing Element
Rahe Hank
May/Jun 2013
Pg. 193-199

Quality Control Analytical Methods: A Summarized Discussion of Current Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2013
Pg. 210-219

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Strategies to Ensure a Robust Quality-control Microbiology Program
Griffiths Tricia
, Connors Anne
Mar/Apr 2013
Pg. 130-134

Misinterpretation of United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797>
McElhiney Linda F
Jan/Feb 2012
Pg. 6-10

Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding--Nonsterile Preparations, Part 2
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 408-414

Waterless Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizers for the Compounding Pharmacy
Mixon William
, Wood Adam P, Low Jennifer, Homan Linda
Jul/Aug 2011
Pg. 278-284

Barrier Isolator/Glovebox Glove Dexterity Study
Park Young H
, Pines E, Cournoyer M E
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 526-530

Community Pharmacy Addresses the Need for Proper Drug Disposal with Positive Response
Briggs Valerie
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 366-369

Implementation of a Viable Air-Sampling Program Using a Volumetric Collection Device
Kennedy Steve
, Siefert Lisa Linn, Lange Matt
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 370-372

PostScription: Guidance to Achieve Accreditation from the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board
Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 440-441

Hygrometers and Thermohygrometers: Environmental Monitoring Ensures the Potency and Stability of Compounding Agents
Allen Loyd V Jr
, McKenzie Robert, Ainsworth Ron, Kastango Eric S, Kaestner Rick, Rebelo Andre, Burnside Paul, Schultz Gerald
Jul/Aug 2010
Pg. 284-300

Basics of Compounding: Considerations for Implementing USP Chapter <797> -- Sterile Preparations, Part 19: Storage and Beyond-Use Dating, Maintaining Sterility, Purity, and Stability of Dispensed and Distributed Compounded Sterile Preparations
Okeke Claudia C
, Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2010
Pg. 232-238

Prophylaxis Against Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens During Compounding
Williams Angie
, Mixon William
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 14-18

Considerations for Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Pharmacy Compounding Sterile Preparations, Part 17: Elements of Quality Control
Okeke Claudia C
, Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 60-64

An Overview of United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <795> and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Guidelines for Nonsterile Compounding
McElhiney Linda F
Nov/Dec 2009
Pg. 525-530

Preventing Nonmicrobiologic Airborne Contamination in the Compounding Pharmacy: Ensuring a Safe Environment for Compounders, Staff, and Clients
Mixon Bill
, Ille Gary
Jul/Aug 2009
Pg. 290-294

Basics of Compounding: Considerations for Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding--Sterile Preparations, Part 14: Environmental Quality and Control (Continued)
Okeke Claudia C
, Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2009
Pg. 322-329

Preparing Nonsterile and Sterile Hazardous Compounds in an Institutional Setting
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2009
Pg. 300-310

Basics of Compounding: Considerations for Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding--Sterile Preparations, Part 13: Environmental Quality and Control
Allen Loyd V Jr
, Okeke Claudia C
May/Jun 2009
Pg. 234-238

Tips for Cleanroom Construction and Renovation
Mixon William
, Huffman Lanny
Mar/Apr 2009
Pg. 100-104

Contract Sterilization and Validation Companies Offer New Options for Sterile Compounded Preparations
Latta Kenneth S
, Howard Betty, Gordon Ken, Foster Lisa, Nichols Larry, Floyd Dan B, Winters Martell, Bryans Trabue
Mar/Apr 2009
Pg. 106-119

Acidified Sodium Hypochlorite for Antisepsis and Disinfection
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2009
Pg. 152

Microbial Air-Sampling Equipment, Part 2: Experiences of Compounding Pharmacists
Mixon Bill
, Cabaleiro Joe, Latta Kenneth S, Vail Jane
Jul/Aug 2008
Pg. 321-327

Microbial Air-Sampling Equipment, Part 1: Meeting United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Standards
Kastango Eric S
May/Jun 2008
Pg. 216-229

Disposing of Expired Drugs and Chemicals: New Options for Compounders
Vail Jane
Jan/Feb 2008
Pg. 38-47

View Sample
PostScription: Consumer Options for Disposal of Unused Medications
Vail Jane
Jan/Feb 2008
Pg. 87

Achievement of USP Chapter <797> Compliance by a 35-Bed Rural Hospital: A Case Study
Peters Gregory F
, McKeon Marghi R, Nerbun Richard G
Nov/Dec 2007
Pg. 450-470

Basics of Compounding for Hazardous Drugs, Part 3: Safe Handling and Personal Protection
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2007
Pg. 50-51

Equipment, Supplies, and Facilities Required for Hospital Compounding
McElhiney Linda F
Nov/Dec 2006
Pg. 436-441

Is Your Cleanroom Clean? An In-depth Look at Cleaning and Disinfecting Agents, Procedures, and Requirements for the Compounding Pharmacist
Jeffrey Megan
Mar/Apr 2006
Pg. 113-119

Controlled Environment Testing Association Applications Guide for the Use of Barrier Isolators in Compounding Sterile Preparations in Healthcare Facilities, Part 1
Wagner James T
Mar/Apr 2006
Pg. 128-133

Pharmacy Compounding Urban Legends
Kastango Eric S
Jan/Feb 2006
Pg. 32-34

Local Ventilation for Safe Containment in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Walters Douglas B
, Ryan Ray
Jul/Aug 2005
Pg. 293-298

Considerations for Choosing a Primary Engineering Control for Compounding Sterile Products
Wagner James T
Jul/Aug 2005
Pg. 284-290

Treatment of Mercury Intoxication With Dimercaptopropanesulfonate
Smith Barry
, Golden Patrick, Pingree Carrie
Mar/Apr 2005
Pg. 105-108

A Dialogue Concerning Contamination Control Systems: Where Does the Isolator Fit In?
Vandenbroucke Johan
, Rahe Hank
Jan/Feb 2005
Pg. 33-35

Barrier Isolators, Isolators, and Glove Boxes--What's the Difference?
Rahe Hank
Jan/Feb 2005
Pg. 53-56

Effectiveness in Oral Rhus toxicodendron Solution for Poison Ivy Prevention
Stein Michael F
, Parsons Eric
Jul/Aug 2003
Pg. 272-275

Immune System Disorders: What's new and Interesting in Print and On-Line
Foy Elizabeth
, MacCara Mary E
Sep/Oct 2000
Pg. 351-353

Interferon with 0.1% Nonoxynol-9 Gel
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2000
Pg. 379

Environmental Sensitivities: Summary of a Literature Search
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 1998
Pg. 407-408

Environmental Sensitivities: Interview with Liliane J. Bartha, MD and Randy Mentzer, RPh
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 1998
Pg. 409-410

Case Reports: Environmental Compounding
Bader Tom
Nov/Dec 1998
Pg. 417

DMPS 250-mg/5-mL Concentration
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 1998
Pg. 417

Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim Capsule (Preservative Free) 400-mg/80-mg
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 1998
Pg. 418

Atropine Sulfate, Preservative-Free Solution 13 mcg/drop
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 1998
Pg. 418

Treating Patients Allergic to Poison Ivy
Karolchyk Scott
Nov/Dec 1998
Pg. 421

Buffered Aspirin 500-mg Capsules (Lactose Free)
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 1998
Pg. 438

Tannic Acid Cleaning Liquid
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 1998
Pg. 444

Environmental Compounding
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 1998
Pg. 454

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