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Hand and Glove Sanitizing in Sterile Compounding, Part 1
Greeson Nicole MH, Mixon William, Huslage Kirk, Stiegel Matthew A, Thomann Wayne R
Nov/Dec 2024
Pg. 475-479
Quality Control: Water Activity Considerations for Beyond-use Dates
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2024
Pg. 376-381
Safer Sterile Compounding: Choosing and Using Disinfectants for the Cleanroom
Kastango Eric S, Douglass Kate, Patel Kedar, Givehchi Babak, Brister Paul, Postlewaite Jay, Taraban Laura
Sep/Oct 2024
Pg. 383-393
Sterile Basics of Compounding: Repackaging, Part 1
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2024
Pg. 298-303
Sterile Filtration
Akers Michael J
Mar/Apr 2024
Pg. 120-127
Safer Sterile Compounding: Choosing and Using Disinfectants for the Cleanroom
Kastango Eric S, Douglass Kate, Patel Kedar, Givehchi Babak, Brister Paul, Postlewaite Jay, Taraban Laura
Jan/Feb 2024
Pg. 44-55
Drug Utilization Review: Our Patients Deserve Our Very Best
Jackson Kathleen
Nov/Dec 2023
Pg. 450-453
Considerations in Qualifying Critical Suppliers
Summers Amy
Nov/Dec 2023
Pg. 461-466
Nonsterile Basics of Compounding: Using U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved Commercial Products as Ingredients
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2023
Pg. 474-481
Compounding and Characterization of Oral Disintegrating Films Containing Memantine Hydrochloride for Geriatrics
Rofiq Hanifah Mohd, Phang Hiu Ching, Janakiraman Ashok Kumar, Chew Yik-Ling, Uddin ABM Helal, Sarker Zaidul Islam, Lee Siew-Keah, Liew Kai Bin
Nov/Dec 2023
Pg. 512-521
Development of a Novel Co-processed Excipitient Comprising of Xylitol, Mannitol, Microcrystalline Cellulose, and Crospovidone for the Compounding of Memantine Hydrochloride Orally Disintegrating Tablet
Hazdi Siti Nursaqifah, Phang Hiu Ching, Ng Zhi Qi, Chew Yik Ling, Uddin ABM Helal, Sarker Zaidul Islam, Lee Siew-Keah, Liew Kai Bin
Nov/Dec 2023
Pg. 522-527
Sterile Basics of Compounding: Intravenous Admixture Compounding, Part 3: Preparation Procedures
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2023
Pg. 305-313
Quality Assurance: Compounding Record Audits for Error Prevention
Hawkins Jessica
May/Jun 2023
Pg. 211-217
Primary Engineering Controls in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 1: Unidirectional-airflow Workstations, Compounding Aseptic Isolators, and Compounding Aseptic Containment Isolators
Mulder Kyle
Nov/Dec 2019
Pg. 447-452
How to Qualify Container Closure Systems for Intended Use, Part 1
Kim Amy A, Gehrmann Matthew R, McCaw James, McAndrew T Page
Nov/Dec 2019
Pg. 454-461
Quality Control: Hand and Glove Sanitizing in Sterile Compounding, Part 2
Greeson Nicole MH, Mixon William, Huslage Kirk, Stiegel Matthew A, Thomann Wayne R
Nov/Dec 2019
Pg. 467-471
Basics: Excipients Used in Nonsterile Compounding, Part 3: Preservatives
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2019
Pg. 472-477
Quality Control: Hand and Glove Sanitizing in Sterile Compounding, Part 1
Greeson Nicole MH, Mixon William, Huslage Kirk, Stiegel Matthew A, Thomann Wayne R
Sep/Oct 2019
Pg. 387-391
Contamination Control in Compounding Areas
Mulder Kyle, Gonzales Ben A
Jul/Aug 2019
Pg. 271-278
Mean Kinetic Temperature for Controlled Room Temperature Drug Storage: Official Definitions and Example Calculations
Newton David W
Jul/Aug 2019
Pg. 281-287
Summary of Quality-Control Testing for Sterile and Nonsterile Compounded Preparations, Part 2: Microbiological Testing
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2019
Pg. 299-303
Summary of Educational Offerings Provided by Compounding Support Companies in 2019
Stevens J Tyler
May/Jun 2019
Pg. 188-191
Summary of Quality-Control Testing for Sterile and Nonsterile Compounded Preparations, Part 1: Physical and Chemical Testing
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2019
Pg. 211-216
Basics of Sterile Compounding: Vehicles Used in Sterile Compounding
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2019
Pg. 221-228
An Exploratory Study of Suboxone (Buprenorphine/Naloxone) Film Splitting: Cutting Methods, Content Uniformity, and Stability
Reindel Kristin L, DeAngelis Michael J, Ferrara Alexander S, Conn Kelly M, Phillips Elizabeth M, Corigliano Anthony T, Zhao Fang
May/Jun 2019
Pg. 258-263
Basics of Compounding for Sterile, Nonsterile, and Quality Control Compounding: Process Analytical Technology: Appropriate for Sterile and Nonsterile Compounding?
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2019
Pg. 123-130
Towards the Importance of a Roller Mill in Compounding Practice: An Experimental Approach
Polonini Hudson, Loures da Silva Sharlene, Batista Patrício Fernando, Fernandes Brandão Marcos Antônio, de Oliveira Ferreira Anderson
Mar/Apr 2019
Pg. 154-156
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Inspection Authority: How to Know Whether U.S. Food and Drug Administration Inspectors Are Crossing the Line
Snow Stephen T, Stannard Robert W, Bellis Jennifer, Moss Carrie A
Jan/Feb 2019
Pg. 32-33
Basics of Compounding: Standardization of Compounded Medications
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2019
Pg. 35-44
Quality Control and Basics of Sterile Compounding: Attempting to Avoid Out-of-Specification Results and Patient Harm in Sterile Compounding
Martin Matt
Jan/Feb 2019
Pg. 47-49
Basics of Sterile Compounding. Quality Assurance and Quality Control: Being Prepared for U.S. Food and Drug Administration Inspections and Staying in Compliance with United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797>: Part 2
Martin Matt
Nov/Dec 2018
Pg. 475-478
PreScription: Updating Formulations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2018
Pg. 356
Current Trends and Emerging Priorities in Compounded Preparations for Children
Parrish Richard H II
Sep/Oct 2018
Pg. 358-366
Certification of Powder-containment Hoods for Nonsterile Compounding
Mulder Kyle, Dozzi Raphael
Sep/Oct 2018
Pg. 369-384
Compounding Enclosures: Ensuring Safety During the Preparation of Sterile and Nonsterile Formulations
Ashe Krystina, Baskett Dustin
Sep/Oct 2018
Pg. 387-398
Quality Assurance and Quality Control: Being Prepared for U.S. Food and Drug Administration Inspections and Staying in Compliance with United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797>: Part 1
Martin Matt
Sep/Oct 2018
Pg. 401-404
Quality Control: Water Activity Considerations for Beyond-use Dates
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2018
Pg. 288-293
Basics of Compounding--Nonsterile: Compounding Self-emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems and Other Self-emulsifying Lipid Formulations, Part 2
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2018
Pg. 294-300
Basics of Sterile Compounding: Criteria for Determining Beyond-use Dating
Martin Matt
Jul/Aug 2018
Pg. 303-312
Antineoplastic Drug Contamination on the Outside of Prepared Infusion Bags
Breukels Oscar, van der Gronde Toon, Simons-Sanders Kathleen, Crul Mirjam
Jul/Aug 2018
Pg. 345-349
Quality Control–Sterile Compounding: Analytical Methods. Density Determinations and Quality Control in Nonsterile and Sterile Compounding
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 206-217
Quality Control: Lessons Learned from a Trimix Stability Study in a 503A Compounding Pharmacy
Rhoads Rick
Mar/Apr 2018
Pg. 129-134
Basics of Compounding: Compounding Microemulsions
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2018
Pg. 137-143
PreScription: 2017--Some Good Things Happened and Some Others
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2018
Pg. 4
Certification, Accreditation, and Credentialing for 503A Compounding Pharmacies
Pritchett Jon, McCrory Gary, Kraemer Cheri, Jensen Brenda, Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2018
Pg. 7-16
Sterile Basics of Compounding: Relationship Between Syringe Size and Dosing Accuracy
Kosinski Tracy M, Brown Michael C, Zavala Pedro J
Jan/Feb 2018
Pg. 41-46
Orodispersible Films for Compounding Pharmacies
Ferreira Anderson O, Brandão Marcos Antônio F, Raposo Francisco José, Polonini Hudson C, Raposo Nádia Rezende Barbosa
Nov/Dec 2017
Pg. 454-461
Features of Pharmaceutical Compounding in the Republic of Tajikistan
Alfred-Ugbenbo DS, Valiev AH, Zdoryk OA, Georgiyants VA
Nov/Dec 2017
Pg. 463-467
Basics of Compounding: Hot Melt Extrusion
DePasquale Seth
Nov/Dec 2017
Pg. 471-479
Basics of Compounding: Compounding Irrigation Solutions for Sterile and Nonsterile Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2017
Pg. 481-486
Validation of the Technological Process of the Preparation "Milk by Vidal"
Savchenko LP, Mishchenko VA, Georgiyants VA
Nov/Dec 2017
Pg. 513-517
Auditing Safety of Compounding and Reconstituting of Intravenous Medicines on Hospital Wards in Finland
Suvikas-Peltonen Eeva, Palmgren Joni, Häggman Verner, Celikkayalar Ercan, Manninen Raija, Airaksinen Marja
Nov/Dec 2017
Pg. 518-529
Documentation: Records and Reports
Akers Michael J
Sep/Oct 2017
Pg. 373-380
Basics of Sterile Compounding: Particulate Matter
Akers Michael J
Sep/Oct 2017
Pg. 395-404
Kinetic Analysis of Drug Release from Compounded Slow-release Capsules of Liothyronine Sodium (T3)
Bakhteyar Hamid, Cassone Clayton, Kohan Hamed Gilzad, Sani Shabnam N
Sep/Oct 2017
Pg. 418-425
Component Selection for Sterile Compounding
Dilzer Richard H
Jul/Aug 2017
Pg. 277-280
Basics of Compounding: 3D Printing: Pharmacy Applications, Part 3: Compounding, Formulation Considerations, and the Future
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2017
Pg. 293-298
PreScription: United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <800> Comments and Alternatives
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2017
Pg. 180
Adventures in the Environmental World and Environmental Microbiology Sampling of Air for Pharmaceutical Sterile Compounding
Ligugnana Roberto
May/Jun 2017
Pg. 182-190
Microbiologic Testing for 503A Sterile-Compounding Pharmacies
Mixon William, Roth Abby
May/Jun 2017
Pg. 193-203
Basics of Sterile Compounding: Manipulating Peptides and Proteins
Akers Michael J
May/Jun 2017
Pg. 223-228
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Inspections: Guide to a Successful Outcome for 503A Sterile Compounding Pharmacies
Yoch Doug
Mar/Apr 2017
Pg. 95-102
Quality Control: (Material) Safety Data Sheets
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2017
Pg. 118-124
Accuracy Considerations in Sterile Compounding
Akers Michael J
Mar/Apr 2017
Pg. 133-142
Suspensions as a Valuable Alternative to Extemporaneously Compounded Capsules
Dijkers Eli, Nanhekhan Valerie, Thorissen Astrid, Polonini Hudson
Mar/Apr 2017
Pg. 171-175
Analytic Methods Used in Quality Control in a Compounding Pharmacy
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2017
Pg. 31-37
Basics of Compounding with Dilutions and Concentrates
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2017
Pg. 39-45
U.S. Food and Drug Administration List of Drugs NOT to be Used in Compounded Medications for Humans (The Negative List)
Nov/Dec 2016
Pg. 457-458
Why Become Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board Accredited?
Dillon L Rad
Nov/Dec 2016
Pg. 469-474
The "Lists": What Do They Mean?
Voliva John
Nov/Dec 2016
Pg. 477-479
Introduction to Quality Control in a Compounding Pharmacy
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2016
Pg. 481-484
Basics of Sterile Compounding: Ophthalmic Preparations, Part 2: Suspensions and Ointments
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2016
Pg. 495-500
PreScription: Stability Studies and United States Pharmacopeia-National Formulary-Grade Chemicals
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2016
Pg. 356
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Method Validation
Klang Mark G, Williams LaVonn A
Sep/Oct 2016
Pg. 381-386
Choosing a Vial Processing Line for Aseptic Compounding: Part 1
Noorian Shaun, Vahedi Navid
Jul/Aug 2016
Pg. 283-292
Basics of Compounding: Compounding Films
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2016
Pg. 298-305
Basics of Sterile Compounding: Personnel Requirements for Sterile Compounding
Akers Michael J
Jul/Aug 2016
Pg. 307-314
Discrepancies in the Law and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Pharmacy Compounding Compliance Policy Guidelines
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2016
Pg. 351
View Sample |
PreScription: Patient Access to Pharmaceuticals
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2016
Pg. 180
Topical Metered-dosing Dispenser Performance Evaluation
Liu Qiang, Kupiec Thomas C, Vu Nicole T
May/Jun 2016
Pg. 239-246
Root Cause Analysis, Part 2: Sterile Compounding
Cabaleiro Joe, Jackson Kathleen
Mar/Apr 2016
Pg. 99-104
Basics of Compounding: Capsules
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2016
Pg. 125-134
Formulation and Stability of Solutions
Akers Michael J
Mar/Apr 2016
Pg. 137-141
Safe Cytotoxic Drug Preparation Using a Closed-system Transfer Device: Technical and Practical Evaluation of a New Device (Vialshield/Texium) Comparatively to a Reference One (Phaseal)
Garrigue Philippe, Montana Marc, Ventre Christophe, Savry Amadine, Gauthier-Villano Laurence, Pisano Pascale, Pourroy Bertrand
Mar/Apr 2016
Pg. 148-154
Microbial Identification in Pharmaceutical Compounding
Hyde Tiffany, Anstead James, Schade Lisa, Zellner James
Jan/Feb 2016
Pg. 13-18
Basic Principles of Lyophilization, Part 2
Akers Michael J
Jan/Feb 2016
Pg. 20-27
Performance Improvement in 503A Compounding Pharmacies: A Plan for Assessment, Implementation, and Sustained Success
Pritchett Jon, Mixon William, O'Connell Kevin
Jan/Feb 2016
Pg. 29-36
Validation of Ultraviolet-visible and High-performance Liquid Chromatographic Methods for the Determination of Sodium p-Aminosalicylate and m-Aminophenol in a New Pharmaceutical Formulation
Hergert Lisandro Y, Ravetti Soledad, Mazzieri Maria R
Jan/Feb 2016
Pg. 63-70
PostScription: The Home Field Advantage
Cabaleiro Joe
Jan/Feb 2016
Pg. 86-87
Applying Quality of Design Concepts to Pharmacy Compounding
Timko Robert J
Nov/Dec 2015
Pg. 453-463
Root Cause Analysis, Part 1: Nonsterile Compounding
Cabaleiro Joe, Jackson Kathleen
Nov/Dec 2015
Pg. 465-469
Using Hospital Laboratory Services to Perform Quality-control Testing on Compounded Preparations
Donnelly Ronald F
Sep/Oct 2015
Pg. 383-386
Sterile Filtration
Akers Michael J
Sep/Oct 2015
Pg. 393-401
Safer Sterile Compounding: Choosing and Using Disinfectants for the Cleanroom
Kastango Eric S, Douglass Kate, Patel Kedar, Givehchi Babak, Brister Paul, Postlewaite Jay, Taraban Laura
Jul/Aug 2015
Pg. 268-278
Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, and Pharmacogenomics and Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 2
Allen Loyd V
Jul/Aug 2015
Pg. 280-287
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Physical Quantitative Verification of Nonsterile Compounded Preparations: Individualized Dosage Units
Sidhu Raman
Jul/Aug 2015
Pg. 307-310
Development and Validation of an Inexpensive, Simple, and Rapid Technique for Measuring the Accuracy of Extemporaneously Compounded Pharmaceuticals
Meek Claudia, Rothardt Andrew, Evans Jason, Thurman Rosanne, Ashworth Lisa, Leff Richard
Jul/Aug 2015
Pg. 340-343
IACP Says: "Fix DQSA"
Miller David
May/Jun 2015
Pg. 212
Quality Assurance and Quality Control, Part 2
Akers Michael J
May/Jun 2015
Pg. 215-221
Standarized Compounding: The Importance of Doing it the Same Way Every Time
Dillon L Rad
Mar/Apr 2015
Pg. 109-112
Quality Assurance and Quality Control, Part 1
Akers Michael J
Mar/Apr 2015
Pg. 121-124
PreScription: 2014 in Review
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2015
Pg. 4
Agar Transfer Devices for Environmental Sampling in the Compounding Pharmacy: Science and Compliance
Grilli Anthony, Sutton Scott
Jan/Feb 2015
Pg. 30-37
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Refractive Index
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2015
Pg. 43-47
Basics of Sterile Compounding: Aseptic Processing
Akers Michael J
Jan/Feb 2015
Pg. 49-56
Depyrogenation Options for the Compounding Cleanroom
Weller Tom, Bell Jeff, Dullinger Roger, Allen Vern, Anthenat Bruce
Nov/Dec 2014
Pg. 446-454
Standards of Practice, Professional Judgment, and Scientific Evidence to Establish and Extend a Beyond-Use Date
Thomson Cassandra Marie, Savji Taslim
Nov/Dec 2014
Pg. 456-460
Quality Control: Can Compounding Pharmacy Learn from the Automotive Industry?
Dillon L Rad
Nov/Dec 2014
Pg. 475-477
Basics of Compounding: Tips and Hints, Part 6: Prescription Evaluation, Calculations, Ingredients, Quality-Assurance Practices, Patient Counseling, Shipping and Distribution, Miscellaneous
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2014
Pg. 486-488
High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method Optimization for Ondansetron Assay in Extemporaneous Topical Gel and in Marketed Products
Quamrun Masuda, Mamoon Rashid, Nasheed Shams, Mullins Randy
Nov/Dec 2014
Pg. 520-525
PostScription: Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board: Past, Present, and Future
Cabaleiro Joe
Nov/Dec 2014
Pg. 526-527
Roboticized Compounding of Oncology Drugs in a Hospital Pharmacy
Palma Elisabetta, Bufarini Celestino
Sep/Oct 2014
Pg. 358-364
Basics of Compounding: Certification of Sterile Equipment and Facilities: What Pharmacists Need to Know
Lanze Amanda, Rudner Shara
Sep/Oct 2014
Pg. 397-399
Basics of Compounding: Tips and Hints, Part 5: Facilities and Equipment
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2014
Pg. 401-404
PostScription: The Future of Veterinary Compounding
Jordan Dinah G
Sep/Oct 2014
Pg. 438-439
Vial Washers for the Compounding Pharmacy: Ensuring Preparation Safety
Johnson Kain, Sully Andrew, Anthenat Bruce
Jul/Aug 2014
Pg. 270-276
Quality Control: Microbial Limit Tests for Nonsterile Pharmaceuticals, Part 2
Vu Nicole, Lou Jessica R, Kupiec Thomas C
Jul/Aug 2014
Pg. 305-310
Assessing the Use of Food Coloring as an Appropriate Visual Guide for Homogenously Mixed Capsule Powders in Extemporaneous Compounding
Hoffmann Brittany, Carlson Christie, Rao Deepa A
Jul/Aug 2014
Pg. 341-344
PostScription: Responsibilities of a Compounding Pharmacist
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2014
Pg. 351
PreScription: Déjà Vu All Over Again
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 180
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Responds to the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists' Outsourcing Letter
Miller David G
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 208
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Microbial Limit Tests for Nonsterile Pharmaceuticals, Part 1
Vu Nicole, Lou Jessica R, Kupiec Thomas
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 213-221
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Establishing Powder-handling Workflow Practices and Standard Operating Procedures: Compounding Pharmacy and Safety
Prince Bryan, Lundevall Jeremy
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 222-226
Examination of the Order of Incubation for the Recovery of Bacteria and Fungi from Pharmaceutical-grade Cleanrooms
Sandle Tim
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 242-247
Investigation of Physical and Chemical Stability of an Ointment with Herbals
Zdoryk Oleksandr A, Khokhlova Kateryna O, Georgiyants Victoriya A, Vyshnevska Liliia I
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 248-252
A Needle-free Reconstitution and Transfer System for Compounded Sterile Intravenous Drug Solutions: In Compliance with United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Standards
Marks Zach
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 94-99
Pharmaceutical Compounding or Pharmaceutical Manufacturing? A Regulatory Perspective
Timko Robert J, Crooker Philip EM
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 101-111
IACP's Continuing Support of Compounding Pharmacists: Letter to the FDA Concerning 503B Outsourcing Facilities
Miller David G
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 117-118
Quality Control Analytical Methods: The Essentials of United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <51> Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing and Its Application in Pharmaceutical Compounding
Vu Nicole, Nguyen Devin, Kupiec Thomas C
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 123-130
Basics of Sterile Compounding: Compounding by Weight Versus Compounding by Volume
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 131-134
Basics of Compounding: Tips and Hints, Part 2: Compounding with Solutions, Suspensions, Emulsions, and Lotions
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 137-138
E-Prescription Errors and Their Resolution in a Community Compounding Pharmacy
Reed-Kane Dana, Vasquez Kellie, Pavlik Aaron, Pergine Johanna, Sandberg Michelle
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 159-161
The Standardization of Nonsterile Compounding: A Study in Quality Control and Assessment for Hormone Compounding
Wiley TS, Odegard RD, Raden J, Haraldsen JT
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 162-168
The Role of Compounding in Closing Therapeutic Gaps--Abstracts from FIP 2013
Lutz Eugene, Pauletti Giovanni, Carvalho Maria, Davidson Gigi, Ashworth Lisa, Subramaniam Vaiyapuri, Llambí Francesc
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 6-12
Good Enough for America
Worthen Dennis B
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 20-29
Determination of Risk for Sterile Preparations
Freedman ben-Horin Shimon, Rousso Tamaro
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 30-34
Tips and Hints: Powders, Capsules, Tablets, Suppositories, and Sticks
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 42-45
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Laboratory Considerations of United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <71> Sterile Tests and Its Application to Pharmaceutical Compounding
Hyde Tiffany D
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 46-52
Basics of Sterile Compounding: Bubble Point Testing
Thoma Laura
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 54-57
E-Prescribing Errors Identified in a Compounding Pharmacy: A Quality-improvement Project
Reed-Kane Dana, Kittell Katrina, Adkins Jacquelyn, Flocks Sarah, Nguyen Thu
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 83-86
Improving the Review of Standard Operating Procedures: A Novel Electronic System for Compounding Pharmacies
Brensel Robert, Brensel Scott, Ng Amy
Nov/Dec 2013
Pg. 465-475
HR 3204 -- The Drug Quality and Security Act: What Does It Say? What Does It Mean? What Happens Now?
Miller David G
Nov/Dec 2013
Pg. 480-481
Stockton Shelly J
Nov/Dec 2013
Pg. 496
Comparing Suppository Mold Variability Which Can Lead to Dosage Errors for Suppositories Prepared with the Same or Different Molds
Alexander Kenneth S, Baki Gabriella, Hart Christine, Hejduk Courtney, Chillas Stephanie
Nov/Dec 2013
Pg. 512-514
PreScription: GMPs vs. GCPs: Manufacturing and Compounding Definitions
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 356
Compounding Pharmacies: Before and After an Inspection
Kulkarni Darshan, Ricketts Samantha
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 358-362
Preventing Medication Errors with Nimodipine by Compounding Proper Dosage Forms
McElhiney Linda F
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 364-368
Quality Control Analytic Methods: Quality Planning, Part 1: A Holistic and Practical Approach
Odegard Russell D
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 393-399
In Vitro Evaluation of Extemporaneously Compounded Immediate-release Capsules with Premixed Excipients, Based on the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) of the Drugs
Pinheiro Vanessa A, Danopoulos Panagiota, Demirdjian Lara, Nogueira Rodrigo J L, Dubois Fanny
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 424-431
PostScription: GMPs vs. GCPs: United States Pharmacopeia General Chapters
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 439
Quality Control Analytical Methods: End-preparation Assessments and Tests for Compounded Sterile Preparations
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 307-311
Basics of Compounding: Foam Dosage Forms
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 312-322
Physical Stability of Coconut Oil Lotions Formulated Using a Hydrophile-lipophile System of Various Emulsifier Pairs
Boonme Prapaporn, Maneenuan Duangkhae, Channarong Sunee
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 347-350
PostScription: Traditional vs Nontraditional Pharmacy
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 351
Complying with Occupational Safety and Health Administration Regulations: A Guide for Compounding Pharmacists
Mixon Bill, Nain John
May/Jun 2013
Pg. 182-190
Decontamination Technology: The Missing Element
Rahe Hank
May/Jun 2013
Pg. 193-199
International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists' Legislative/Regulatory Update
Miller David G
May/Jun 2013
Pg. 206
Quality Control Analytical Methods: A Summarized Discussion of Current Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2013
Pg. 210-219
Basics of Compounding: Potency and Stability Testing
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2013
Pg. 220-224
Sterilization of Compounded Parenteral Products: Verification of Autoclaves
Rahe Hank
Mar/Apr 2013
Pg. 94-98
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Strategies to Ensure a Robust Quality-control Microbiology Program
Griffiths Tricia, Connors Anne
Mar/Apr 2013
Pg. 130-134
Basics of Compounding: Repackaging, Part 2
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2013
Pg. 136-140
Establishing Benchmark Rates of Microbial and Bacterial Endotoxin Contamination for Radiopharmaceuticals Compounded in Commerical Nuclear Pharmacy Settings
Weatherman Kara D, Augustine Samuel, Christoff Jeffrey, Galbraith Wendy
Mar/Apr 2013
Pg. 168-174
Quality Control: Analytical Methods: Calibration of Equipment and Calibration Curves
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2013
Pg. 50-53
Basics of Compounding: Repackaging, Part 1
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2013
Pg. 54-60
PostScription: GMPs and GCPs: A Topical Comparison
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2013
Pg. 87
Quality Control: Analytical Methods. Certificates of Analysis, Part 1
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2012
Pg. 486-488
Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <1163> Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 5: Outsourcing and Responsible Personnel
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2012
Pg. 490-496
Quality Control: Glassware Washers: Cleaning Glassware and Implements Used in Compounding, Part 2
James Kate, Van Houtte Olivier, Ruriani Deborah, Nolan Odette, Corbetti Reto
Sep/Oct 2012
Pg. 396-403
Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <1163> Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 4: Cleaning and Packaging
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2012
Pg. 405-414
Quality Control: Glassware Washers: Cleaning Glassware and Implements Used in Compounding, Part 1
Zatarski Monica, Nolan Odette, Corbetti Reto
Jul/Aug 2012
Pg. 312-320
Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <1163> Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 3: Testing
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2012
Pg. 322-328
Formulation and Stability Evaluation of Extemporaneously Prepared Atenolol Capsules from Crushed Atenolol Tablets
Zaid Abdel Naser, Malkieh Numan, Kharoaf Maher, Ghoush Abeer Abu, Al-Ramahi Rowa'
Jul/Aug 2012
Pg. 342-346
Quality Control: Analytical Methods: Why Do I Need a Certificate of Analysis?
Zolner William J
May/Jun 2012
Pg. 226-229
Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <1163> Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 2: Documentation and Verification
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2012
Pg. 230-234
Stockton Shelly J
May/Jun 2012
Pg. 236
Compounding and Dispensing Errors Before and After Implementing Barcode Technology in a Nuclear Pharmacy
Galbraith Wendy, Shadid Jill
May/Jun 2012
Pg. 253-256
PostScription: Rules for Pharmaceutically Elegant Calculations
Stockton Shelly J
May/Jun 2012
Pg. 262-263
Brazilian National System for the Monitoring and Improvement of Compounding Practices: Program Outcomes
Guedes de Souza Hugo, Favaro Alvaro Jr, Andrade Alba Livia, Gomes Lenir Yago, do Carmo Garcez Maria
Mar/Apr 2012
Pg. 98-102
Development of a Standardized Intranet Database of Formulation Records for Nonsterile Compounding, Part 2
Haile Michael, Anderson Kim, Evans Alex, Crawford Angela
Mar/Apr 2012
Pg. 104-109
Quality Control: 5 Steps to Improve Quality in the Compounding Lab
Zolner William J
Mar/Apr 2012
Pg. 136-144
Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <1163> Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 1
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2012
Pg. 146-150
PostScription: Best Practice Recommendations for Compounding 17-Hydroxyprogesterone
Cabaleiro Joe
Jan/Feb 2012
Pg. 86-87
Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding–Nonsterile Preparations, Part 4
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2012
Pg. 64-68
Stockton Shelly J
Jan/Feb 2012
Pg. 69
The International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists Debuts the Compounding Pharmacy Assessment Questionnaire
Miller David G
Nov/Dec 2011
Pg. 474-479
View Sample |
Quality Control: Undecided About Buying an In-House Water Purification System? Pros, Cons, and Caveats That May Provide the Answers You Need
Mixon William, Fox Samantha, Barnes Danny, Stuart William, Betlach Verne, Hall Richard M, Biller Jeremy, Kelly Russ, Janik Peter, Purcell Julian
Nov/Dec 2011
Pg. 480-487
Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding--Nonsterile Preparations, Part 3
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2011
Pg. 488-496
Stockton Shelly J
Nov/Dec 2011
Pg. 498
Development and Statistical Analysis of Glipzide-Loaded Fast-Dissolving Tablets Using Plantago ovata Husk as a Superdisintegrant
Jha Antesh Kr, Chetia D
Nov/Dec 2011
Pg. 521-525
PreScription: American Pharmacists Month: A Time for Taking Responsibility
Menighan Thomas E
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 356
Lessons Learned from a Continuous Quality-Improvement Testing Program
McElhiney Linda F
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 372-374
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Aqua Pura: Water Purification Systems and United States Pharmacopeia Waters for the Compounding Pharmacy, Part 3: Testimonials and Comparisons
James Kate, Allred Richard, Latta Kenneth S, McElhiney Linda F, Olson Jacob, Hall Richard M, Baker Chad, Armstrong Nicholas, Janik Peter, Whitehead Paul, Purcell Julian
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 390-407
Study of Microbiological Safety of 25 Oncology Drugs After Multiple Uses in Aseptic Conditions
Roy Julie, Brault Julie, Joran Pierre, Metrop Raphael, Hildgen Patrice
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 428-434
PostScription: Compounders Go Above and Beyond in the Name of Safety
Gates Ernest P Jr
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 438-439
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Using Purified Water for Reconstitutions
Biller Jeremy
Jul/Aug 2011
Pg. 322-326
Waterless Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizers for the Compounding Pharmacy
Mixon William, Wood Adam P, Low Jennifer, Homan Linda
Jul/Aug 2011
Pg. 278-284
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Aqua Pura: Water Purification Systems and United States Pharmacopeia Waters for the Compounding Pharmacy, Part 2: USP Waters: Experts at the United States Pharmacopeia Answer Compounders' Questions
Schnatz Rick, Hernandex-Cardoso Antonio
May/Jun 2011
Pg. 224-232
Basics of Compounding: Basics of Compounding with Complex Organic Molecules
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2011
Pg. 234-238
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Aqua Pura: Water Purification Systems and United States Pharmacopeia Waters for the Compounding Pharmacy, Part 1
Latta Kenneth S, Cabaleiro Joe, Whitehead Paul, Edison Doug
Mar/Apr 2011
Pg. 133-144
A Technology Guide for Evaluating Software Tools to Support Sterile Compounding and Workflow Management
Robinson Marian
Jan/Feb 2011
Pg. 20-26
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Endotoxins: Essential Testing for Pyrogens in the Compounding Laboratory, Part 3: A Simplified Endotoxin Test Method for Compounded Sterile Preparations
Cooper James F
Jan/Feb 2011
Pg. 49-54
PostScription: Profile of a Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board–Accredited Pharmacy: Vital Care of Meridian
Wheat Harry III
Jan/Feb 2011
Pg. 86-87
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Endotoxins: Essential Testing for Pyrogens in the Compounding Laboratory, Part 2
Cooper James F, Chakrabarty Kaushik, McGuire Jason, Zolner William J, Jones Vann, Hedman Hilary
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 493-506
Basics of Compounding: Basics of Compounding with Aliquots, Dilutions, and Concentrates
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 508-510
PreScription: Compounding with Manufactured Products
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 448
In the Hands of Your Enemy
Worthen Dennis B
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 456-462
Barrier Isolator/Glovebox Glove Dexterity Study
Park Young H, Pines E, Cournoyer M E
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 526-530
PostScription: Profile of a Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board Accredited Pharmacy: Avera Doctors Plaza 2 Pharmacy
Hoffman Karen
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 531
Home Infusion Accreditation: Another Quality Recognition Branding Tool
Canally Sandra C
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 360-364
Basics of Compounding: Basics of Compounding with Esters
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 416-418
Quality Control and Physical and Chemical Stability of Hydrocortisone Oral Suspension: An Interlaboratory Study
Santoveña A, Llabrés M, Fariña JB
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 430-435
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Endotoxins: Essential Testing for Pyrogens in the Compounding Laboratory, Part 1
Dubczak John, Latta Kenneth S, Hedman Hilary, Smith Donald R
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 407-414
PostScription: Guidance to Achieve Accreditation from the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board
Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 440-441
Stability and Compatibility of Reconstituted Caspofungin in Select Elastomeric Infusion Device
Tsiouris Maria, Ulmer Marisa, Yurcho James F, Hooper Kevin L, Gui Min
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 436-439
Hygrometers and Thermohygrometers: Environmental Monitoring Ensures the Potency and Stability of Compounding Agents
Allen Loyd V Jr, McKenzie Robert, Ainsworth Ron, Kastango Eric S, Kaestner Rick, Rebelo Andre, Burnside Paul, Schultz Gerald
Jul/Aug 2010
Pg. 284-300
Thyroid Potency Calculations
Stack Bob
Jul/Aug 2010
Pg. 306-309
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Pharmacopeial Bacterial Endotoxins Test Chapters
Dawson Michael E
Jul/Aug 2010
Pg. 317-320
Basics of Compounding: Basics of Compounding with Organic Salts
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2010
Pg. 322-326
Basics of Compounding: Considerations for Implementing USP Chapter <797> Pharmacy Compounding -- Sterile Preparations, Part 20: Patient or Caregiver Training, Patient Monitoring and Adverse Events Reporting, and Quality-Assurance Program
Okeke Claudia C, Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2010
Pg. 328-331
Evaluation of Extemporaneous Oral Itraconazole Suspensions by Dissolution Profiles Mapping
Tong Henry H Y, Chan Hokman, Du Zhen, Zheng Ying
Jul/Aug 2010
Pg. 342-345
PreScription: Quality Improvement in Pharmaceutical Compounding
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2010
Pg. 180
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Continuous Quality Improvement
Odegard Russell D
May/Jun 2010
Pg. 218-221
Basics of Compounding: Compounding with Hydrates and Solvates
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2010
Pg. 222-229
Basics of Compounding: Considerations for Implementing USP Chapter <797> -- Sterile Preparations, Part 19: Storage and Beyond-Use Dating, Maintaining Sterility, Purity, and Stability of Dispensed and Distributed Compounded Sterile Preparations
Okeke Claudia C, Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2010
Pg. 232-238
Compounding Rifampin Suspensions with Improved Injectability for Nasogastric Enteral Feeding Tube Administration
de Villiers Melgardt M, Vogel Laura, Bogenschutz Monica C, Fingerhut Bonnie J, D'Silva Joseph B, Moore Anne
May/Jun 2010
Pg. 250-256
Weight Uniformity of Scored Tablet Halves Manufactured by Palestinian Pharmaceutical Companies
Zaid AN, Abu Ghosh A, Kittana N
May/Jun 2010
Pg. 257-260
Quality Control: From Record Keeping to Key Performance Indicators: Managing Quality in Compounding Pharmacies
Karime Braga Glaucia, Vieira Fonseca Maria Jose
Mar/Apr 2010
Pg. 136-139
Basics of Compounding: Considerations for Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding--Sterile Preparations, Part 18: Verification of Automated Compounding Devices for Parenteral Nutrition Compounding and Finished Preparation Release Checks and Tests
Allen Loyd V Jr, Okeke Claudia C
Mar/Apr 2010
Pg. 142-149
Chemical Stability of Hydromorphone Hydrochloride in Patient-Controlled Analgesia Injector
Khondkar Dristi, Chopra Poonam, McArter John P, Rosen Joseph A, Li S Kevin
Mar/Apr 2010
Pg. 160-164
Prophylaxis Against Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens During Compounding
Williams Angie, Mixon William
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 14-18
Unit Dose Packaging and Repackaging of Solid and Liquid Dosage Forms in an Institutional Setting
McElhiney Linda F
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 32-38
Literature Review & Importance of Quality Control
Williams LaVonn A
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 54-56
Considerations for Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Pharmacy Compounding Sterile Preparations, Part 17: Elements of Quality Control
Okeke Claudia C, Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 60-64
Setting Up a National System of Compounding Pharmacies: Preventing Error, Assuring Quality, Building Trust
Guedes de Souza Hugo, Favaro Alvaro Jr, Andrade Alba Livia, Gomes Lenir Yago, de Souza Aguiar Simone, do Carmo Garcez Maria
Nov/Dec 2009
Pg. 532-536
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Applications and Sterility of Autologous Eye Drops
Reed-Kane Dana, Carlson Rachel A, Kupiec Thomas C, Vu Nicole
Nov/Dec 2009
Pg. 540-543
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Designing a Quality-Control Potency Testing Program for a Compounding Pharmacy
Zolner William J
Sep/Oct 2009
Pg. 412-418
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Quality Control, Quality Assurance, and Quality Improvement--What is the Difference and Why Should Compounding Pharmacies Care?
Cabaleiro Joe
Jul/Aug 2009
Pg. 318-320
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Pharmaceutical and Analytical Considerations of the Significance of pH
Vu Nicole, Miller Misty
May/Jun 2009
Pg. 230-232
Compendial Activities Relating to Cold Chain Management Issues: Drug Products and Compounded Preparations
Okeke Claudia C
Mar/Apr 2009
Pg. 128-136
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Compounding Slow-Release Pharmaceuticals
Vu Nicole, Kupiec Thomas C, Raj Vishnu
Mar/Apr 2009
Pg. 144-145
Identifying the Criteria of a Valid Stability Study
Williams LaVonn A, Hastings Mitchell Blaine
Jan/Feb 2009
Pg. 32-36
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Testing of Electrolytes Solutions
Vu Nicole
Jan/Feb 2009
Pg. 53-55
Testing of Estradiol in a Compounded Cream and a Stock Solution
Buderer Matthew J, Buderer Nancy M
Jan/Feb 2009
Pg. 74-77
The Value of Near Infrared Spectroscopy in a Small Hospital Compounding Unit to Control the Risks Associated with Raw Materials
Storme-Paris Isabelle, Storme Thomas, Thauvin Maxime, Brion Francoise, Chaminade Pierre, Rieutord Andre
Jan/Feb 2009
Pg. 81-86
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Overview of Beyond-Use Dating for Compounded Sterile Preparations
Trissel Lawrence A
Nov/Dec 2008
Pg. 524-528
Beyond-Use Dating, Labeling, Delivery, and Storage of Compounded and Repackaged Mediations in a Hospital or Institutional Setting
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2008
Pg. 316-320
Microbial Air-Sampling Equipment, Part 2: Experiences of Compounding Pharmacists
Mixon Bill, Cabaleiro Joe, Latta Kenneth S, Vail Jane
Jul/Aug 2008
Pg. 321-327
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Homogeneity of Dosing Forms
Kupiec Thomas C, Vu Nicole, Branscum David
Jul/Aug 2008
Pg. 340-343
Microbial Air-Sampling Equipment, Part 1: Meeting United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Standards
Kastango Eric S
May/Jun 2008
Pg. 216-229
A Process Verification Model for Quality Assurance in a Compounding Pharmacy
Zolner William J
May/Jun 2008
Pg. 247-251
Establishing a Quality-Assurance Program for Hospital Compounding
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2008
Pg. 116-120
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Minimizing the Probability of Out-of-Specification Preparations: Results that Make You Say…Hmmm!
Odegard Russell D
Mar/Apr 2008
Pg. 130-135
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Stability Versus Potency Testing: The Madness is in the Method
Kupiec Thomas C, Skinner Rodney, Lanier Lance
Jan/Feb 2008
Pg. 50-53
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: In-House Quality Control of Simple Compounds
Trusley Craig
Nov/Dec 2007
Pg. 487-490
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: A Discussion of United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <71> Sterility Tests
Kupiec Thomas C
Sep/Oct 2007
Pg. 400-403
Quality-control Analytical Methods: Logbooks and Documentation Forms
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2007
Pg. 306-311
Quality Control: Standard Operating Procedures--An Essential Tool for Developing Quality Preparations
Ashworth Lisa D
May/Jun 2007
Pg. 226-229
Records and Record-Keeping for the Hospital Compounding Pharmacist
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2007
Pg. 138-143
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Considerations in Compounding Peroral Solid Dosage Forms
Vu Nicole
Mar/Apr 2007
Pg. 145-148
Quality Control Analytical Methods: The Quality of Sterility Testing
McGuire Jason, Kupiec Thomas C
Jan/Feb 2007
Pg. 52-55
PostScription: Challenges Facing an Analytical Laboratory
Kupiec Thomas C
Nov/Dec 2006
Pg. 479-480
Validation Study of the Unguator, an Apparatus for Compounding Dermatological Preparations
Piette Marie, Stassen Thibaut, Kinget Renaat, Delattre Luc
Nov/Dec 2006
Pg. 469-477
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Continuous Quality Improvement
Venti Eden M
Nov/Dec 2006
Pg. 442-444
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Sterility Failure Investigations
Venti Eden M
Sep/Oct 2006
Pg. 372-375
Standard Operating Procedure: Procedures in the Event of Nonconformance of Bulk Chemicals or Compounded Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2006
Pg. 381
Quality Control Analytical Methods: A Guide to Quality Control Testing for the Compounding Pharmacist
Zolner William J
Jul/Aug 2006
Pg. 281-284
Innovations in Compounding: Integrated Barcode System Verifies Chemical Identity, Weight
Vail Jane
Jul/Aug 2006
Pg. 291-292
Physical Assessments of Lipid Injectable Emulsions via Microscopy: A Comparison to Methods Proposed in the United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <729>
Driscoll David F, Nehne Jorg, Horst Peterss, Klutsch Karsten, Bistrian Bruce R, Wilhelm Niemann
Jul/Aug 2006
Pg. 309-315
Training and Competency Considerations for Pharmacies Providing Compounded Sterile Preparations
Douglass Kate
Jul/Aug 2006
Pg. 253-261
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Particulate Matter in Injections: What is It and What are the Concerns?
Tran Tuan, Kupiec Thomas C, Trissel Lawrence A
May/Jun 2006
Pg. 202-204
Basics of Compounding: Application of the United States Pharmacopeia Bacterial Endotoxins Test to Compounded Sterile Preparations
Dawson Michael F
Jan/Feb 2006
Pg. 36-39
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Common Concerns about Out-of-Specification Results
Lanier Lance, Kemp Jesse
Jan/Feb 2006
Pg. 41-42
Quality Control Analytical Methods: Quality Issues Related to Compounding with Commercial Products
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2005
Pg. 462-469
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Glossary of Quality Control/Quality Assurance Terms in Pharmaceutical Compounding
Kupiec Thomas C, Okeke Claudia, Allen Loyd V Jr, Denison Clay
Jul/Aug 2005
Pg. 300-302
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Determination of Tapped Bulk Volume for Compounded Prescriptions
Al-Achi Antoine, Siddoju Srujana
May/Jun 2005
Pg. 207
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Chemical Testing Aspects of USP <797> for Compounded Sterile Preparations
Kupiec Thomas C
Mar/Apr 2005
Pg. 136-138
USP Chapter <797>: Practical Solutions for Microbiology, Sterility, and Pyrogen Testing
Caputo Ross A, Huffman Anne, Reich Robert
Jan/Feb 2005
Pg. 11-13
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Microbial Testing Aspects of USP <797> for Compounded Sterile Preparations
Kupiec Thomas C
Jan/Feb 2005
Pg. 47-49
Barrier Isolators, Isolators, and Glove Boxes--What's the Difference?
Rahe Hank
Jan/Feb 2005
Pg. 53-56
Standard Operating Procedure: Calculating the Endotoxin Load in Compounded Sterile Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2004
Pg. 466-467
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Allowable Endotoxic Levels in Sterile Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2004
Pg. 479-485
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: USP Chapter <797> Compounded Sterile Preparations Sterility Requirements and Their Relationship to Beyond-Use Dating
Kastango Eric S
Sep/Oct 2004
Pg. 393-397
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Gas Chromatography
Kupiec Thomas C
Jul/Aug 2004
Pg. 305-309
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Kupiec Thomas C
May/Jun 2004
Pg. 223-227
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Osmolality and Osmometry
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2004
Pg. 143-145
Extemporaneous Formulation and Stability Testing of Mexiletine HCl Solution
Alexander Kenneth S, Kaushik Sarita
Mar/Apr 2004
Pg. 147-152
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Selecting an Analytical Method
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2004
Pg. 61-64
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Specific-Gravity Determinations of Liquids and Semisolids
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2003
Pg. 477-480
Application of USP-NF Standards to Pharmacy Compounding
Bormel Gail, Valentine Joseph G, Williams Roger L
Sep/Oct 2003
Pg. 361-363
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Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Refractometry
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2003
Pg. 383-385
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Viscosity Measurements
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2003
Pg. 305-309
Accuracy of Graduated Cylinders
Newton David W
May/Jun 2003
Pg. 208-210
Product Containment in the Compounding Laboratory
Vidrine Eric
May/Jun 2003
Pg. 213-214
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Principles of pH
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2003
Pg. 225-227
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The Cost of Quality in Pharmacy
Kastango Eric S
Nov/Dec 2002
Pg. 404-407
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Comparison of Endotoxin Testing Methods for Pharmaceutical Products
Joiner Timothy J, Kraus Paul F, Kupiec Thomas C
Nov/Dec 2002
Pg. 408-409
View Sample |
Quality in Pharmacy: The New Zealand Experience
Hamilton Pauline
Sep/Oct 2002
Pg. 354-358
PostScription-Ensuring Compounding Excellence: Quality Control or Quality Assurance?
Kupiec Thomas C
Mar/Apr 2002
Pg. 160
Quality Assurance for Sterile Products
Kastango Eric S, Douglass Kate
Jul/Aug 2001
Pg. 246-253
Analytical Testing Facilities and Products
Hudson Sonora
Jul/Aug 2001
Pg. 284-286
Analytical Testing of Extemporaneously Compounded Preparations
Kupiec Thomas C
Mar/Apr 2000
Pg. 105-107
Analysis of Extemporaneous Alprostadil Formulations
Sarver Jeffrey G, Peng Ning, Lerdkanchanaporn Supaporn, Oravecz-Wilson Katherine, Alexander Kenneth S, Erhardt Paul W
Mar/Apr 1999
Pg. 148-155
Testing for Bacterial Endotoxins
Jelinek Todd
Sep/Oct 1998
Pg. 379
Preservation, Sterilization, and Sterility Testing of Ophthalmic Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 1998
Pg. 192-195
Some Quality Control Tests on Chromium Picolinate in Solid Dosage Forms
Al-Achi Antoine, Greenwood Robert, Beasley Shawn
Sep/Oct 1997
Pg. 349-351
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