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This archive contains the following articles listed by volume, issue and page number:

(Click for Abstract / Details / Purchase)
Hand and Glove Sanitizing in Sterile Compounding, Part 1
Greeson Nicole MH
, Mixon William, Huslage Kirk, Stiegel Matthew A, Thomann Wayne R
Nov/Dec 2024
Pg. 475-479

Quality Control: Water Activity Considerations for Beyond-use Dates
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2024
Pg. 376-381

Safer Sterile Compounding: Choosing and Using Disinfectants for the Cleanroom
Kastango Eric S
, Douglass Kate, Patel Kedar, Givehchi Babak, Brister Paul, Postlewaite Jay, Taraban Laura
Sep/Oct 2024
Pg. 383-393

Sterile Basics of Compounding: Repackaging, Part 1
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2024
Pg. 298-303

Sterile Filtration
Akers Michael J
Mar/Apr 2024
Pg. 120-127

Safer Sterile Compounding: Choosing and Using Disinfectants for the Cleanroom
Kastango Eric S
, Douglass Kate, Patel Kedar, Givehchi Babak, Brister Paul, Postlewaite Jay, Taraban Laura
Jan/Feb 2024
Pg. 44-55

Drug Utilization Review: Our Patients Deserve Our Very Best
Jackson Kathleen
Nov/Dec 2023
Pg. 450-453

Considerations in Qualifying Critical Suppliers
Summers Amy
Nov/Dec 2023
Pg. 461-466

Nonsterile Basics of Compounding: Using U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved Commercial Products as Ingredients
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2023
Pg. 474-481

Compounding and Characterization of Oral Disintegrating Films Containing Memantine Hydrochloride for Geriatrics
Rofiq Hanifah Mohd
, Phang Hiu Ching, Janakiraman Ashok Kumar, Chew Yik-Ling, Uddin ABM Helal, Sarker Zaidul Islam, Lee Siew-Keah, Liew Kai Bin
Nov/Dec 2023
Pg. 512-521

Development of a Novel Co-processed Excipitient Comprising of Xylitol, Mannitol, Microcrystalline Cellulose, and Crospovidone for the Compounding of Memantine Hydrochloride Orally Disintegrating Tablet
Hazdi Siti Nursaqifah
, Phang Hiu Ching, Ng Zhi Qi, Chew Yik Ling, Uddin ABM Helal, Sarker Zaidul Islam, Lee Siew-Keah, Liew Kai Bin
Nov/Dec 2023
Pg. 522-527

Sterile Basics of Compounding: Intravenous Admixture Compounding, Part 3: Preparation Procedures
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2023
Pg. 305-313

Quality Assurance: Compounding Record Audits for Error Prevention
Hawkins Jessica
May/Jun 2023
Pg. 211-217

Primary Engineering Controls in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 1: Unidirectional-airflow Workstations, Compounding Aseptic Isolators, and Compounding Aseptic Containment Isolators
Mulder Kyle
Nov/Dec 2019
Pg. 447-452

How to Qualify Container Closure Systems for Intended Use, Part 1
Kim Amy A
, Gehrmann Matthew R, McCaw James, McAndrew T Page
Nov/Dec 2019
Pg. 454-461

Quality Control: Hand and Glove Sanitizing in Sterile Compounding, Part 2
Greeson Nicole MH
, Mixon William, Huslage Kirk, Stiegel Matthew A, Thomann Wayne R
Nov/Dec 2019
Pg. 467-471

Basics: Excipients Used in Nonsterile Compounding, Part 3: Preservatives
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2019
Pg. 472-477

Quality Control: Hand and Glove Sanitizing in Sterile Compounding, Part 1
Greeson Nicole MH
, Mixon William, Huslage Kirk, Stiegel Matthew A, Thomann Wayne R
Sep/Oct 2019
Pg. 387-391

Contamination Control in Compounding Areas
Mulder Kyle
, Gonzales Ben A
Jul/Aug 2019
Pg. 271-278

Mean Kinetic Temperature for Controlled Room Temperature Drug Storage: Official Definitions and Example Calculations
Newton David W
Jul/Aug 2019
Pg. 281-287

Summary of Quality-Control Testing for Sterile and Nonsterile Compounded Preparations, Part 2: Microbiological Testing
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2019
Pg. 299-303

Summary of Educational Offerings Provided by Compounding Support Companies in 2019
Stevens J Tyler
May/Jun 2019
Pg. 188-191

Summary of Quality-Control Testing for Sterile and Nonsterile Compounded Preparations, Part 1: Physical and Chemical Testing
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2019
Pg. 211-216

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Vehicles Used in Sterile Compounding
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2019
Pg. 221-228

An Exploratory Study of Suboxone (Buprenorphine/Naloxone) Film Splitting: Cutting Methods, Content Uniformity, and Stability
Reindel Kristin L
, DeAngelis Michael J, Ferrara Alexander S, Conn Kelly M, Phillips Elizabeth M, Corigliano Anthony T, Zhao Fang
May/Jun 2019
Pg. 258-263

Basics of Compounding for Sterile, Nonsterile, and Quality Control Compounding: Process Analytical Technology: Appropriate for Sterile and Nonsterile Compounding?
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2019
Pg. 123-130

Towards the Importance of a Roller Mill in Compounding Practice: An Experimental Approach
Polonini Hudson
, Loures da Silva Sharlene, Batista Patrício Fernando, Fernandes Brandão Marcos Antônio, de Oliveira Ferreira Anderson
Mar/Apr 2019
Pg. 154-156

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Inspection Authority: How to Know Whether U.S. Food and Drug Administration Inspectors Are Crossing the Line
Snow Stephen T
, Stannard Robert W, Bellis Jennifer, Moss Carrie A
Jan/Feb 2019
Pg. 32-33

Basics of Compounding: Standardization of Compounded Medications
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2019
Pg. 35-44

Quality Control and Basics of Sterile Compounding: Attempting to Avoid Out-of-Specification Results and Patient Harm in Sterile Compounding
Martin Matt
Jan/Feb 2019
Pg. 47-49

Basics of Sterile Compounding. Quality Assurance and Quality Control: Being Prepared for U.S. Food and Drug Administration Inspections and Staying in Compliance with United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797>: Part 2
Martin Matt
Nov/Dec 2018
Pg. 475-478

PreScription: Updating Formulations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2018
Pg. 356

Current Trends and Emerging Priorities in Compounded Preparations for Children
Parrish Richard H II
Sep/Oct 2018
Pg. 358-366

Certification of Powder-containment Hoods for Nonsterile Compounding
Mulder Kyle
, Dozzi Raphael
Sep/Oct 2018
Pg. 369-384

Compounding Enclosures: Ensuring Safety During the Preparation of Sterile and Nonsterile Formulations
Ashe Krystina
, Baskett Dustin
Sep/Oct 2018
Pg. 387-398

Quality Assurance and Quality Control: Being Prepared for U.S. Food and Drug Administration Inspections and Staying in Compliance with United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797>: Part 1
Martin Matt
Sep/Oct 2018
Pg. 401-404

Quality Control: Water Activity Considerations for Beyond-use Dates
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2018
Pg. 288-293

Basics of Compounding--Nonsterile: Compounding Self-emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems and Other Self-emulsifying Lipid Formulations, Part 2
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2018
Pg. 294-300

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Criteria for Determining Beyond-use Dating
Martin Matt
Jul/Aug 2018
Pg. 303-312

Antineoplastic Drug Contamination on the Outside of Prepared Infusion Bags
Breukels Oscar
, van der Gronde Toon, Simons-Sanders Kathleen, Crul Mirjam
Jul/Aug 2018
Pg. 345-349

Quality Control–Sterile Compounding: Analytical Methods. Density Determinations and Quality Control in Nonsterile and Sterile Compounding
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 206-217

Quality Control: Lessons Learned from a Trimix Stability Study in a 503A Compounding Pharmacy
Rhoads Rick
Mar/Apr 2018
Pg. 129-134

Basics of Compounding: Compounding Microemulsions
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2018
Pg. 137-143

PreScription: 2017--Some Good Things Happened and Some Others
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2018
Pg. 4

Certification, Accreditation, and Credentialing for 503A Compounding Pharmacies
Pritchett Jon
, McCrory Gary, Kraemer Cheri, Jensen Brenda, Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2018
Pg. 7-16

Sterile Basics of Compounding: Relationship Between Syringe Size and Dosing Accuracy
Kosinski Tracy M
, Brown Michael C, Zavala Pedro J
Jan/Feb 2018
Pg. 41-46

Orodispersible Films for Compounding Pharmacies
Ferreira Anderson O
, Brandão Marcos Antônio F, Raposo Francisco José, Polonini Hudson C, Raposo Nádia Rezende Barbosa
Nov/Dec 2017
Pg. 454-461

Features of Pharmaceutical Compounding in the Republic of Tajikistan
Alfred-Ugbenbo DS
, Valiev AH, Zdoryk OA, Georgiyants VA
Nov/Dec 2017
Pg. 463-467

Basics of Compounding: Hot Melt Extrusion
DePasquale Seth
Nov/Dec 2017
Pg. 471-479

Basics of Compounding: Compounding Irrigation Solutions for Sterile and Nonsterile Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2017
Pg. 481-486

Validation of the Technological Process of the Preparation "Milk by Vidal"
Savchenko LP
, Mishchenko VA, Georgiyants VA
Nov/Dec 2017
Pg. 513-517

Auditing Safety of Compounding and Reconstituting of Intravenous Medicines on Hospital Wards in Finland
Suvikas-Peltonen Eeva
, Palmgren Joni, Häggman Verner, Celikkayalar Ercan, Manninen Raija, Airaksinen Marja
Nov/Dec 2017
Pg. 518-529

Documentation: Records and Reports
Akers Michael J
Sep/Oct 2017
Pg. 373-380

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Particulate Matter
Akers Michael J
Sep/Oct 2017
Pg. 395-404

Kinetic Analysis of Drug Release from Compounded Slow-release Capsules of Liothyronine Sodium (T3)
Bakhteyar Hamid
, Cassone Clayton, Kohan Hamed Gilzad, Sani Shabnam N
Sep/Oct 2017
Pg. 418-425

Component Selection for Sterile Compounding
Dilzer Richard H
Jul/Aug 2017
Pg. 277-280

Basics of Compounding: 3D Printing: Pharmacy Applications, Part 3: Compounding, Formulation Considerations, and the Future
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2017
Pg. 293-298

PreScription: United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <800> Comments and Alternatives
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2017
Pg. 180

Adventures in the Environmental World and Environmental Microbiology Sampling of Air for Pharmaceutical Sterile Compounding
Ligugnana Roberto
May/Jun 2017
Pg. 182-190

Microbiologic Testing for 503A Sterile-Compounding Pharmacies
Mixon William
, Roth Abby
May/Jun 2017
Pg. 193-203

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Manipulating Peptides and Proteins
Akers Michael J
May/Jun 2017
Pg. 223-228

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Inspections: Guide to a Successful Outcome for 503A Sterile Compounding Pharmacies
Yoch Doug
Mar/Apr 2017
Pg. 95-102

Quality Control: (Material) Safety Data Sheets
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2017
Pg. 118-124

Accuracy Considerations in Sterile Compounding
Akers Michael J
Mar/Apr 2017
Pg. 133-142

Suspensions as a Valuable Alternative to Extemporaneously Compounded Capsules
Dijkers Eli
, Nanhekhan Valerie, Thorissen Astrid, Polonini Hudson
Mar/Apr 2017
Pg. 171-175

Analytic Methods Used in Quality Control in a Compounding Pharmacy
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2017
Pg. 31-37

Basics of Compounding with Dilutions and Concentrates
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2017
Pg. 39-45

U.S. Food and Drug Administration List of Drugs NOT to be Used in Compounded Medications for Humans (The Negative List)
Nov/Dec 2016
Pg. 457-458

Why Become Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board Accredited?
Dillon L Rad
Nov/Dec 2016
Pg. 469-474

The "Lists": What Do They Mean?
Voliva John
Nov/Dec 2016
Pg. 477-479

Introduction to Quality Control in a Compounding Pharmacy
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2016
Pg. 481-484

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Ophthalmic Preparations, Part 2: Suspensions and Ointments
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2016
Pg. 495-500

PreScription: Stability Studies and United States Pharmacopeia-National Formulary-Grade Chemicals
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2016
Pg. 356

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Method Validation
Klang Mark G
, Williams LaVonn A
Sep/Oct 2016
Pg. 381-386

Choosing a Vial Processing Line for Aseptic Compounding: Part 1
Noorian Shaun
, Vahedi Navid
Jul/Aug 2016
Pg. 283-292

Basics of Compounding: Compounding Films
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2016
Pg. 298-305

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Personnel Requirements for Sterile Compounding
Akers Michael J
Jul/Aug 2016
Pg. 307-314

Discrepancies in the Law and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Pharmacy Compounding Compliance Policy Guidelines
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2016
Pg. 351

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PreScription: Patient Access to Pharmaceuticals
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2016
Pg. 180

Topical Metered-dosing Dispenser Performance Evaluation
Liu Qiang
, Kupiec Thomas C, Vu Nicole T
May/Jun 2016
Pg. 239-246

Root Cause Analysis, Part 2: Sterile Compounding
Cabaleiro Joe
, Jackson Kathleen
Mar/Apr 2016
Pg. 99-104

Basics of Compounding: Capsules
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2016
Pg. 125-134

Formulation and Stability of Solutions
Akers Michael J
Mar/Apr 2016
Pg. 137-141

Safe Cytotoxic Drug Preparation Using a Closed-system Transfer Device: Technical and Practical Evaluation of a New Device (Vialshield/Texium) Comparatively to a Reference One (Phaseal)
Garrigue Philippe
, Montana Marc, Ventre Christophe, Savry Amadine, Gauthier-Villano Laurence, Pisano Pascale, Pourroy Bertrand
Mar/Apr 2016
Pg. 148-154

Microbial Identification in Pharmaceutical Compounding
Hyde Tiffany
, Anstead James, Schade Lisa, Zellner James
Jan/Feb 2016
Pg. 13-18

Basic Principles of Lyophilization, Part 2
Akers Michael J
Jan/Feb 2016
Pg. 20-27

Performance Improvement in 503A Compounding Pharmacies: A Plan for Assessment, Implementation, and Sustained Success
Pritchett Jon
, Mixon William, O'Connell Kevin
Jan/Feb 2016
Pg. 29-36

Validation of Ultraviolet-visible and High-performance Liquid Chromatographic Methods for the Determination of Sodium p-Aminosalicylate and m-Aminophenol in a New Pharmaceutical Formulation
Hergert Lisandro Y
, Ravetti Soledad, Mazzieri Maria R
Jan/Feb 2016
Pg. 63-70

PostScription: The Home Field Advantage
Cabaleiro Joe
Jan/Feb 2016
Pg. 86-87

Applying Quality of Design Concepts to Pharmacy Compounding
Timko Robert J
Nov/Dec 2015
Pg. 453-463

Root Cause Analysis, Part 1: Nonsterile Compounding
Cabaleiro Joe
, Jackson Kathleen
Nov/Dec 2015
Pg. 465-469

Using Hospital Laboratory Services to Perform Quality-control Testing on Compounded Preparations
Donnelly Ronald F
Sep/Oct 2015
Pg. 383-386

Sterile Filtration
Akers Michael J
Sep/Oct 2015
Pg. 393-401

Safer Sterile Compounding: Choosing and Using Disinfectants for the Cleanroom
Kastango Eric S
, Douglass Kate, Patel Kedar, Givehchi Babak, Brister Paul, Postlewaite Jay, Taraban Laura
Jul/Aug 2015
Pg. 268-278

Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, and Pharmacogenomics and Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 2
Allen Loyd V
Jul/Aug 2015
Pg. 280-287

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Physical Quantitative Verification of Nonsterile Compounded Preparations: Individualized Dosage Units
Sidhu Raman
Jul/Aug 2015
Pg. 307-310

Development and Validation of an Inexpensive, Simple, and Rapid Technique for Measuring the Accuracy of Extemporaneously Compounded Pharmaceuticals
Meek Claudia
, Rothardt Andrew, Evans Jason, Thurman Rosanne, Ashworth Lisa, Leff Richard
Jul/Aug 2015
Pg. 340-343

IACP Says: "Fix DQSA"
Miller David
May/Jun 2015
Pg. 212

Quality Assurance and Quality Control, Part 2
Akers Michael J
May/Jun 2015
Pg. 215-221

Standarized Compounding: The Importance of Doing it the Same Way Every Time
Dillon L Rad
Mar/Apr 2015
Pg. 109-112

Quality Assurance and Quality Control, Part 1
Akers Michael J
Mar/Apr 2015
Pg. 121-124

PreScription: 2014 in Review
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2015
Pg. 4

Agar Transfer Devices for Environmental Sampling in the Compounding Pharmacy: Science and Compliance
Grilli Anthony
, Sutton Scott
Jan/Feb 2015
Pg. 30-37

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Refractive Index
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2015
Pg. 43-47

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Aseptic Processing
Akers Michael J
Jan/Feb 2015
Pg. 49-56

Depyrogenation Options for the Compounding Cleanroom
Weller Tom
, Bell Jeff, Dullinger Roger, Allen Vern, Anthenat Bruce
Nov/Dec 2014
Pg. 446-454

Standards of Practice, Professional Judgment, and Scientific Evidence to Establish and Extend a Beyond-Use Date
Thomson Cassandra Marie
, Savji Taslim
Nov/Dec 2014
Pg. 456-460

Quality Control: Can Compounding Pharmacy Learn from the Automotive Industry?
Dillon L Rad
Nov/Dec 2014
Pg. 475-477

Basics of Compounding: Tips and Hints, Part 6: Prescription Evaluation, Calculations, Ingredients, Quality-Assurance Practices, Patient Counseling, Shipping and Distribution, Miscellaneous
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2014
Pg. 486-488

High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method Optimization for Ondansetron Assay in Extemporaneous Topical Gel and in Marketed Products
Quamrun Masuda
, Mamoon Rashid, Nasheed Shams, Mullins Randy
Nov/Dec 2014
Pg. 520-525

PostScription: Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board: Past, Present, and Future
Cabaleiro Joe
Nov/Dec 2014
Pg. 526-527

Roboticized Compounding of Oncology Drugs in a Hospital Pharmacy
Palma Elisabetta
, Bufarini Celestino
Sep/Oct 2014
Pg. 358-364

Basics of Compounding: Certification of Sterile Equipment and Facilities: What Pharmacists Need to Know
Lanze Amanda
, Rudner Shara
Sep/Oct 2014
Pg. 397-399

Basics of Compounding: Tips and Hints, Part 5: Facilities and Equipment
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2014
Pg. 401-404

PostScription: The Future of Veterinary Compounding
Jordan Dinah G
Sep/Oct 2014
Pg. 438-439

Vial Washers for the Compounding Pharmacy: Ensuring Preparation Safety
Johnson Kain
, Sully Andrew, Anthenat Bruce
Jul/Aug 2014
Pg. 270-276

Quality Control: Microbial Limit Tests for Nonsterile Pharmaceuticals, Part 2
Vu Nicole
, Lou Jessica R, Kupiec Thomas C
Jul/Aug 2014
Pg. 305-310

Assessing the Use of Food Coloring as an Appropriate Visual Guide for Homogenously Mixed Capsule Powders in Extemporaneous Compounding
Hoffmann Brittany
, Carlson Christie, Rao Deepa A
Jul/Aug 2014
Pg. 341-344

PostScription: Responsibilities of a Compounding Pharmacist
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2014
Pg. 351

PreScription: Déjà Vu All Over Again
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 180

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Responds to the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists' Outsourcing Letter
Miller David G
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 208

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Microbial Limit Tests for Nonsterile Pharmaceuticals, Part 1
Vu Nicole
, Lou Jessica R, Kupiec Thomas
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 213-221

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Establishing Powder-handling Workflow Practices and Standard Operating Procedures: Compounding Pharmacy and Safety
Prince Bryan
, Lundevall Jeremy
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 222-226

Examination of the Order of Incubation for the Recovery of Bacteria and Fungi from Pharmaceutical-grade Cleanrooms
Sandle Tim
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 242-247

Investigation of Physical and Chemical Stability of an Ointment with Herbals
Zdoryk Oleksandr A
, Khokhlova Kateryna O, Georgiyants Victoriya A, Vyshnevska Liliia I
May/Jun 2014
Pg. 248-252

A Needle-free Reconstitution and Transfer System for Compounded Sterile Intravenous Drug Solutions: In Compliance with United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Standards
Marks Zach
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 94-99

Pharmaceutical Compounding or Pharmaceutical Manufacturing? A Regulatory Perspective
Timko Robert J
, Crooker Philip EM
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 101-111

IACP's Continuing Support of Compounding Pharmacists: Letter to the FDA Concerning 503B Outsourcing Facilities
Miller David G
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 117-118

Quality Control Analytical Methods: The Essentials of United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <51> Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing and Its Application in Pharmaceutical Compounding
Vu Nicole
, Nguyen Devin, Kupiec Thomas C
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 123-130

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Compounding by Weight Versus Compounding by Volume
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 131-134

Basics of Compounding: Tips and Hints, Part 2: Compounding with Solutions, Suspensions, Emulsions, and Lotions
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 137-138

E-Prescription Errors and Their Resolution in a Community Compounding Pharmacy
Reed-Kane Dana
, Vasquez Kellie, Pavlik Aaron, Pergine Johanna, Sandberg Michelle
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 159-161

The Standardization of Nonsterile Compounding: A Study in Quality Control and Assessment for Hormone Compounding
Wiley TS
, Odegard RD, Raden J, Haraldsen JT
Mar/Apr 2014
Pg. 162-168

The Role of Compounding in Closing Therapeutic Gaps--Abstracts from FIP 2013
Lutz Eugene
, Pauletti Giovanni, Carvalho Maria, Davidson Gigi, Ashworth Lisa, Subramaniam Vaiyapuri, Llambí Francesc
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 6-12

Good Enough for America
Worthen Dennis B
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 20-29

Determination of Risk for Sterile Preparations
Freedman ben-Horin Shimon
, Rousso Tamaro
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 30-34

Tips and Hints: Powders, Capsules, Tablets, Suppositories, and Sticks
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 42-45

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Laboratory Considerations of United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <71> Sterile Tests and Its Application to Pharmaceutical Compounding
Hyde Tiffany D
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 46-52

Basics of Sterile Compounding: Bubble Point Testing
Thoma Laura
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 54-57

E-Prescribing Errors Identified in a Compounding Pharmacy: A Quality-improvement Project
Reed-Kane Dana
, Kittell Katrina, Adkins Jacquelyn, Flocks Sarah, Nguyen Thu
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 83-86

Improving the Review of Standard Operating Procedures: A Novel Electronic System for Compounding Pharmacies
Brensel Robert
, Brensel Scott, Ng Amy
Nov/Dec 2013
Pg. 465-475

HR 3204 -- The Drug Quality and Security Act: What Does It Say? What Does It Mean? What Happens Now?
Miller David G
Nov/Dec 2013
Pg. 480-481

Stockton Shelly J
Nov/Dec 2013
Pg. 496

Comparing Suppository Mold Variability Which Can Lead to Dosage Errors for Suppositories Prepared with the Same or Different Molds
Alexander Kenneth S
, Baki Gabriella, Hart Christine, Hejduk Courtney, Chillas Stephanie
Nov/Dec 2013
Pg. 512-514

PreScription: GMPs vs. GCPs: Manufacturing and Compounding Definitions
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 356

Compounding Pharmacies: Before and After an Inspection
Kulkarni Darshan
, Ricketts Samantha
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 358-362

Preventing Medication Errors with Nimodipine by Compounding Proper Dosage Forms
McElhiney Linda F
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 364-368

Quality Control Analytic Methods: Quality Planning, Part 1: A Holistic and Practical Approach
Odegard Russell D
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 393-399

In Vitro Evaluation of Extemporaneously Compounded Immediate-release Capsules with Premixed Excipients, Based on the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) of the Drugs
Pinheiro Vanessa A
, Danopoulos Panagiota, Demirdjian Lara, Nogueira Rodrigo J L, Dubois Fanny
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 424-431

PostScription: GMPs vs. GCPs: United States Pharmacopeia General Chapters
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2013
Pg. 439

Quality Control Analytical Methods: End-preparation Assessments and Tests for Compounded Sterile Preparations
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 307-311

Basics of Compounding: Foam Dosage Forms
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 312-322

Physical Stability of Coconut Oil Lotions Formulated Using a Hydrophile-lipophile System of Various Emulsifier Pairs
Boonme Prapaporn
, Maneenuan Duangkhae, Channarong Sunee
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 347-350

PostScription: Traditional vs Nontraditional Pharmacy
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 351

Complying with Occupational Safety and Health Administration Regulations: A Guide for Compounding Pharmacists
Mixon Bill
, Nain John
May/Jun 2013
Pg. 182-190

Decontamination Technology: The Missing Element
Rahe Hank
May/Jun 2013
Pg. 193-199

International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists' Legislative/Regulatory Update
Miller David G
May/Jun 2013
Pg. 206

Quality Control Analytical Methods: A Summarized Discussion of Current Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2013
Pg. 210-219

Basics of Compounding: Potency and Stability Testing
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2013
Pg. 220-224

Sterilization of Compounded Parenteral Products: Verification of Autoclaves
Rahe Hank
Mar/Apr 2013
Pg. 94-98

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Strategies to Ensure a Robust Quality-control Microbiology Program
Griffiths Tricia
, Connors Anne
Mar/Apr 2013
Pg. 130-134

Basics of Compounding: Repackaging, Part 2
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2013
Pg. 136-140

Establishing Benchmark Rates of Microbial and Bacterial Endotoxin Contamination for Radiopharmaceuticals Compounded in Commerical Nuclear Pharmacy Settings
Weatherman Kara D
, Augustine Samuel, Christoff Jeffrey, Galbraith Wendy
Mar/Apr 2013
Pg. 168-174

Quality Control: Analytical Methods: Calibration of Equipment and Calibration Curves
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2013
Pg. 50-53

Basics of Compounding: Repackaging, Part 1
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2013
Pg. 54-60

PostScription: GMPs and GCPs: A Topical Comparison
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2013
Pg. 87

Quality Control: Analytical Methods. Certificates of Analysis, Part 1
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2012
Pg. 486-488

Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <1163> Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 5: Outsourcing and Responsible Personnel
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2012
Pg. 490-496

Quality Control: Glassware Washers: Cleaning Glassware and Implements Used in Compounding, Part 2
James Kate
, Van Houtte Olivier, Ruriani Deborah, Nolan Odette, Corbetti Reto
Sep/Oct 2012
Pg. 396-403

Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <1163> Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 4: Cleaning and Packaging
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2012
Pg. 405-414

Quality Control: Glassware Washers: Cleaning Glassware and Implements Used in Compounding, Part 1
Zatarski Monica
, Nolan Odette, Corbetti Reto
Jul/Aug 2012
Pg. 312-320

Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <1163> Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 3: Testing
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2012
Pg. 322-328

Formulation and Stability Evaluation of Extemporaneously Prepared Atenolol Capsules from Crushed Atenolol Tablets
Zaid Abdel Naser
, Malkieh Numan, Kharoaf Maher, Ghoush Abeer Abu, Al-Ramahi Rowa'
Jul/Aug 2012
Pg. 342-346

Quality Control: Analytical Methods: Why Do I Need a Certificate of Analysis?
Zolner William J
May/Jun 2012
Pg. 226-229

Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <1163> Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 2: Documentation and Verification
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2012
Pg. 230-234

Stockton Shelly J
May/Jun 2012
Pg. 236

Compounding and Dispensing Errors Before and After Implementing Barcode Technology in a Nuclear Pharmacy
Galbraith Wendy
, Shadid Jill
May/Jun 2012
Pg. 253-256

PostScription: Rules for Pharmaceutically Elegant Calculations
Stockton Shelly J
May/Jun 2012
Pg. 262-263

Brazilian National System for the Monitoring and Improvement of Compounding Practices: Program Outcomes
Guedes de Souza Hugo
, Favaro Alvaro Jr, Andrade Alba Livia, Gomes Lenir Yago, do Carmo Garcez Maria
Mar/Apr 2012
Pg. 98-102

Development of a Standardized Intranet Database of Formulation Records for Nonsterile Compounding, Part 2
Haile Michael
, Anderson Kim, Evans Alex, Crawford Angela
Mar/Apr 2012
Pg. 104-109

Quality Control: 5 Steps to Improve Quality in the Compounding Lab
Zolner William J
Mar/Apr 2012
Pg. 136-144

Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <1163> Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding, Part 1
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2012
Pg. 146-150

PostScription: Best Practice Recommendations for Compounding 17-Hydroxyprogesterone
Cabaleiro Joe
Jan/Feb 2012
Pg. 86-87

Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding–Nonsterile Preparations, Part 4
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2012
Pg. 64-68

Stockton Shelly J
Jan/Feb 2012
Pg. 69

The International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists Debuts the Compounding Pharmacy Assessment Questionnaire
Miller David G
Nov/Dec 2011
Pg. 474-479

View Sample
Quality Control: Undecided About Buying an In-House Water Purification System? Pros, Cons, and Caveats That May Provide the Answers You Need
Mixon William
, Fox Samantha, Barnes Danny, Stuart William, Betlach Verne, Hall Richard M, Biller Jeremy, Kelly Russ, Janik Peter, Purcell Julian
Nov/Dec 2011
Pg. 480-487

Basics of Compounding: Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding--Nonsterile Preparations, Part 3
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2011
Pg. 488-496

Stockton Shelly J
Nov/Dec 2011
Pg. 498

Development and Statistical Analysis of Glipzide-Loaded Fast-Dissolving Tablets Using Plantago ovata Husk as a Superdisintegrant
Jha Antesh Kr
, Chetia D
Nov/Dec 2011
Pg. 521-525

PreScription: American Pharmacists Month: A Time for Taking Responsibility
Menighan Thomas E
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 356

Lessons Learned from a Continuous Quality-Improvement Testing Program
McElhiney Linda F
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 372-374

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Aqua Pura: Water Purification Systems and United States Pharmacopeia Waters for the Compounding Pharmacy, Part 3: Testimonials and Comparisons
James Kate
, Allred Richard, Latta Kenneth S, McElhiney Linda F, Olson Jacob, Hall Richard M, Baker Chad, Armstrong Nicholas, Janik Peter, Whitehead Paul, Purcell Julian
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 390-407

Study of Microbiological Safety of 25 Oncology Drugs After Multiple Uses in Aseptic Conditions
Roy Julie
, Brault Julie, Joran Pierre, Metrop Raphael, Hildgen Patrice
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 428-434

PostScription: Compounders Go Above and Beyond in the Name of Safety
Gates Ernest P Jr
Sep/Oct 2011
Pg. 438-439

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Using Purified Water for Reconstitutions
Biller Jeremy
Jul/Aug 2011
Pg. 322-326

Waterless Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizers for the Compounding Pharmacy
Mixon William
, Wood Adam P, Low Jennifer, Homan Linda
Jul/Aug 2011
Pg. 278-284

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Aqua Pura: Water Purification Systems and United States Pharmacopeia Waters for the Compounding Pharmacy, Part 2: USP Waters: Experts at the United States Pharmacopeia Answer Compounders' Questions
Schnatz Rick
, Hernandex-Cardoso Antonio
May/Jun 2011
Pg. 224-232

Basics of Compounding: Basics of Compounding with Complex Organic Molecules
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2011
Pg. 234-238

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Aqua Pura: Water Purification Systems and United States Pharmacopeia Waters for the Compounding Pharmacy, Part 1
Latta Kenneth S
, Cabaleiro Joe, Whitehead Paul, Edison Doug
Mar/Apr 2011
Pg. 133-144

A Technology Guide for Evaluating Software Tools to Support Sterile Compounding and Workflow Management
Robinson Marian
Jan/Feb 2011
Pg. 20-26

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Endotoxins: Essential Testing for Pyrogens in the Compounding Laboratory, Part 3: A Simplified Endotoxin Test Method for Compounded Sterile Preparations
Cooper James F
Jan/Feb 2011
Pg. 49-54

PostScription: Profile of a Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board–Accredited Pharmacy: Vital Care of Meridian
Wheat Harry III
Jan/Feb 2011
Pg. 86-87

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Endotoxins: Essential Testing for Pyrogens in the Compounding Laboratory, Part 2
Cooper James F
, Chakrabarty Kaushik, McGuire Jason, Zolner William J, Jones Vann, Hedman Hilary
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 493-506

Basics of Compounding: Basics of Compounding with Aliquots, Dilutions, and Concentrates
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 508-510

PreScription: Compounding with Manufactured Products
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 448

In the Hands of Your Enemy
Worthen Dennis B
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 456-462

Barrier Isolator/Glovebox Glove Dexterity Study
Park Young H
, Pines E, Cournoyer M E
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 526-530

PostScription: Profile of a Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board Accredited Pharmacy: Avera Doctors Plaza 2 Pharmacy
Hoffman Karen
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 531

Home Infusion Accreditation: Another Quality Recognition Branding Tool
Canally Sandra C
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 360-364

Basics of Compounding: Basics of Compounding with Esters
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 416-418

Quality Control and Physical and Chemical Stability of Hydrocortisone Oral Suspension: An Interlaboratory Study
Santoveña A
, Llabrés M, Fariña JB
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 430-435

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Endotoxins: Essential Testing for Pyrogens in the Compounding Laboratory, Part 1
Dubczak John
, Latta Kenneth S, Hedman Hilary, Smith Donald R
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 407-414

PostScription: Guidance to Achieve Accreditation from the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board
Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 440-441

Stability and Compatibility of Reconstituted Caspofungin in Select Elastomeric Infusion Device
Tsiouris Maria
, Ulmer Marisa, Yurcho James F, Hooper Kevin L, Gui Min
Sep/Oct 2010
Pg. 436-439

Hygrometers and Thermohygrometers: Environmental Monitoring Ensures the Potency and Stability of Compounding Agents
Allen Loyd V Jr
, McKenzie Robert, Ainsworth Ron, Kastango Eric S, Kaestner Rick, Rebelo Andre, Burnside Paul, Schultz Gerald
Jul/Aug 2010
Pg. 284-300

Thyroid Potency Calculations
Stack Bob
Jul/Aug 2010
Pg. 306-309

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Pharmacopeial Bacterial Endotoxins Test Chapters
Dawson Michael E
Jul/Aug 2010
Pg. 317-320

Basics of Compounding: Basics of Compounding with Organic Salts
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2010
Pg. 322-326

Basics of Compounding: Considerations for Implementing USP Chapter <797> Pharmacy Compounding -- Sterile Preparations, Part 20: Patient or Caregiver Training, Patient Monitoring and Adverse Events Reporting, and Quality-Assurance Program
Okeke Claudia C
, Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2010
Pg. 328-331

Evaluation of Extemporaneous Oral Itraconazole Suspensions by Dissolution Profiles Mapping
Tong Henry H Y
, Chan Hokman, Du Zhen, Zheng Ying
Jul/Aug 2010
Pg. 342-345

PreScription: Quality Improvement in Pharmaceutical Compounding
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2010
Pg. 180

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Continuous Quality Improvement
Odegard Russell D
May/Jun 2010
Pg. 218-221

Basics of Compounding: Compounding with Hydrates and Solvates
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2010
Pg. 222-229

Basics of Compounding: Considerations for Implementing USP Chapter <797> -- Sterile Preparations, Part 19: Storage and Beyond-Use Dating, Maintaining Sterility, Purity, and Stability of Dispensed and Distributed Compounded Sterile Preparations
Okeke Claudia C
, Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2010
Pg. 232-238

Compounding Rifampin Suspensions with Improved Injectability for Nasogastric Enteral Feeding Tube Administration
de Villiers Melgardt M
, Vogel Laura, Bogenschutz Monica C, Fingerhut Bonnie J, D'Silva Joseph B, Moore Anne
May/Jun 2010
Pg. 250-256

Weight Uniformity of Scored Tablet Halves Manufactured by Palestinian Pharmaceutical Companies
Zaid AN
, Abu Ghosh A, Kittana N
May/Jun 2010
Pg. 257-260

Quality Control: From Record Keeping to Key Performance Indicators: Managing Quality in Compounding Pharmacies
Karime Braga Glaucia
, Vieira Fonseca Maria Jose
Mar/Apr 2010
Pg. 136-139

Basics of Compounding: Considerations for Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding--Sterile Preparations, Part 18: Verification of Automated Compounding Devices for Parenteral Nutrition Compounding and Finished Preparation Release Checks and Tests
Allen Loyd V Jr
, Okeke Claudia C
Mar/Apr 2010
Pg. 142-149

Chemical Stability of Hydromorphone Hydrochloride in Patient-Controlled Analgesia Injector
Khondkar Dristi
, Chopra Poonam, McArter John P, Rosen Joseph A, Li S Kevin
Mar/Apr 2010
Pg. 160-164

Prophylaxis Against Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens During Compounding
Williams Angie
, Mixon William
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 14-18

Unit Dose Packaging and Repackaging of Solid and Liquid Dosage Forms in an Institutional Setting
McElhiney Linda F
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 32-38

Literature Review & Importance of Quality Control
Williams LaVonn A
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 54-56

Considerations for Implementing United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Pharmacy Compounding Sterile Preparations, Part 17: Elements of Quality Control
Okeke Claudia C
, Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2010
Pg. 60-64

Setting Up a National System of Compounding Pharmacies: Preventing Error, Assuring Quality, Building Trust
Guedes de Souza Hugo
, Favaro Alvaro Jr, Andrade Alba Livia, Gomes Lenir Yago, de Souza Aguiar Simone, do Carmo Garcez Maria
Nov/Dec 2009
Pg. 532-536

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Applications and Sterility of Autologous Eye Drops
Reed-Kane Dana
, Carlson Rachel A, Kupiec Thomas C, Vu Nicole
Nov/Dec 2009
Pg. 540-543

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Designing a Quality-Control Potency Testing Program for a Compounding Pharmacy
Zolner William J
Sep/Oct 2009
Pg. 412-418

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Quality Control, Quality Assurance, and Quality Improvement--What is the Difference and Why Should Compounding Pharmacies Care?
Cabaleiro Joe
Jul/Aug 2009
Pg. 318-320

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Pharmaceutical and Analytical Considerations of the Significance of pH
Vu Nicole
, Miller Misty
May/Jun 2009
Pg. 230-232

Compendial Activities Relating to Cold Chain Management Issues: Drug Products and Compounded Preparations
Okeke Claudia C
Mar/Apr 2009
Pg. 128-136

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Compounding Slow-Release Pharmaceuticals
Vu Nicole
, Kupiec Thomas C, Raj Vishnu
Mar/Apr 2009
Pg. 144-145

Identifying the Criteria of a Valid Stability Study
Williams LaVonn A
, Hastings Mitchell Blaine
Jan/Feb 2009
Pg. 32-36

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Testing of Electrolytes Solutions
Vu Nicole
Jan/Feb 2009
Pg. 53-55

Testing of Estradiol in a Compounded Cream and a Stock Solution
Buderer Matthew J
, Buderer Nancy M
Jan/Feb 2009
Pg. 74-77

The Value of Near Infrared Spectroscopy in a Small Hospital Compounding Unit to Control the Risks Associated with Raw Materials
Storme-Paris Isabelle
, Storme Thomas, Thauvin Maxime, Brion Francoise, Chaminade Pierre, Rieutord Andre
Jan/Feb 2009
Pg. 81-86

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Overview of Beyond-Use Dating for Compounded Sterile Preparations
Trissel Lawrence A
Nov/Dec 2008
Pg. 524-528

Beyond-Use Dating, Labeling, Delivery, and Storage of Compounded and Repackaged Mediations in a Hospital or Institutional Setting
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2008
Pg. 316-320

Microbial Air-Sampling Equipment, Part 2: Experiences of Compounding Pharmacists
Mixon Bill
, Cabaleiro Joe, Latta Kenneth S, Vail Jane
Jul/Aug 2008
Pg. 321-327

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Homogeneity of Dosing Forms
Kupiec Thomas C
, Vu Nicole, Branscum David
Jul/Aug 2008
Pg. 340-343

Microbial Air-Sampling Equipment, Part 1: Meeting United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Standards
Kastango Eric S
May/Jun 2008
Pg. 216-229

A Process Verification Model for Quality Assurance in a Compounding Pharmacy
Zolner William J
May/Jun 2008
Pg. 247-251

Establishing a Quality-Assurance Program for Hospital Compounding
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2008
Pg. 116-120

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Minimizing the Probability of Out-of-Specification Preparations: Results that Make You Say…Hmmm!
Odegard Russell D
Mar/Apr 2008
Pg. 130-135

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Stability Versus Potency Testing: The Madness is in the Method
Kupiec Thomas C
, Skinner Rodney, Lanier Lance
Jan/Feb 2008
Pg. 50-53

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: In-House Quality Control of Simple Compounds
Trusley Craig
Nov/Dec 2007
Pg. 487-490

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: A Discussion of United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <71> Sterility Tests
Kupiec Thomas C
Sep/Oct 2007
Pg. 400-403

Quality-control Analytical Methods: Logbooks and Documentation Forms
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2007
Pg. 306-311

Quality Control: Standard Operating Procedures--An Essential Tool for Developing Quality Preparations
Ashworth Lisa D
May/Jun 2007
Pg. 226-229

Records and Record-Keeping for the Hospital Compounding Pharmacist
McElhiney Linda F
Mar/Apr 2007
Pg. 138-143

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Considerations in Compounding Peroral Solid Dosage Forms
Vu Nicole
Mar/Apr 2007
Pg. 145-148

Quality Control Analytical Methods: The Quality of Sterility Testing
McGuire Jason
, Kupiec Thomas C
Jan/Feb 2007
Pg. 52-55

PostScription: Challenges Facing an Analytical Laboratory
Kupiec Thomas C
Nov/Dec 2006
Pg. 479-480

Validation Study of the Unguator, an Apparatus for Compounding Dermatological Preparations
Piette Marie
, Stassen Thibaut, Kinget Renaat, Delattre Luc
Nov/Dec 2006
Pg. 469-477

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Continuous Quality Improvement
Venti Eden M
Nov/Dec 2006
Pg. 442-444

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Sterility Failure Investigations
Venti Eden M
Sep/Oct 2006
Pg. 372-375

Standard Operating Procedure: Procedures in the Event of Nonconformance of Bulk Chemicals or Compounded Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2006
Pg. 381

Quality Control Analytical Methods: A Guide to Quality Control Testing for the Compounding Pharmacist
Zolner William J
Jul/Aug 2006
Pg. 281-284

Innovations in Compounding: Integrated Barcode System Verifies Chemical Identity, Weight
Vail Jane
Jul/Aug 2006
Pg. 291-292

Physical Assessments of Lipid Injectable Emulsions via Microscopy: A Comparison to Methods Proposed in the United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <729>
Driscoll David F
, Nehne Jorg, Horst Peterss, Klutsch Karsten, Bistrian Bruce R, Wilhelm Niemann
Jul/Aug 2006
Pg. 309-315

Training and Competency Considerations for Pharmacies Providing Compounded Sterile Preparations
Douglass Kate
Jul/Aug 2006
Pg. 253-261

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Particulate Matter in Injections: What is It and What are the Concerns?
Tran Tuan
, Kupiec Thomas C, Trissel Lawrence A
May/Jun 2006
Pg. 202-204

Basics of Compounding: Application of the United States Pharmacopeia Bacterial Endotoxins Test to Compounded Sterile Preparations
Dawson Michael F
Jan/Feb 2006
Pg. 36-39

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Common Concerns about Out-of-Specification Results
Lanier Lance
, Kemp Jesse
Jan/Feb 2006
Pg. 41-42

Quality Control Analytical Methods: Quality Issues Related to Compounding with Commercial Products
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2005
Pg. 462-469

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Glossary of Quality Control/Quality Assurance Terms in Pharmaceutical Compounding
Kupiec Thomas C
, Okeke Claudia, Allen Loyd V Jr, Denison Clay
Jul/Aug 2005
Pg. 300-302

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Determination of Tapped Bulk Volume for Compounded Prescriptions
Al-Achi Antoine
, Siddoju Srujana
May/Jun 2005
Pg. 207

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Chemical Testing Aspects of USP <797> for Compounded Sterile Preparations
Kupiec Thomas C
Mar/Apr 2005
Pg. 136-138

USP Chapter <797>: Practical Solutions for Microbiology, Sterility, and Pyrogen Testing
Caputo Ross A
, Huffman Anne, Reich Robert
Jan/Feb 2005
Pg. 11-13

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Microbial Testing Aspects of USP <797> for Compounded Sterile Preparations
Kupiec Thomas C
Jan/Feb 2005
Pg. 47-49

Barrier Isolators, Isolators, and Glove Boxes--What's the Difference?
Rahe Hank
Jan/Feb 2005
Pg. 53-56

Standard Operating Procedure: Calculating the Endotoxin Load in Compounded Sterile Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2004
Pg. 466-467

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Allowable Endotoxic Levels in Sterile Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2004
Pg. 479-485

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: USP Chapter <797> Compounded Sterile Preparations Sterility Requirements and Their Relationship to Beyond-Use Dating
Kastango Eric S
Sep/Oct 2004
Pg. 393-397

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Gas Chromatography
Kupiec Thomas C
Jul/Aug 2004
Pg. 305-309

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Kupiec Thomas C
May/Jun 2004
Pg. 223-227

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Osmolality and Osmometry
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2004
Pg. 143-145

Extemporaneous Formulation and Stability Testing of Mexiletine HCl Solution
Alexander Kenneth S
, Kaushik Sarita
Mar/Apr 2004
Pg. 147-152

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Selecting an Analytical Method
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2004
Pg. 61-64

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Specific-Gravity Determinations of Liquids and Semisolids
Allen Loyd V Jr
Nov/Dec 2003
Pg. 477-480

Application of USP-NF Standards to Pharmacy Compounding
Bormel Gail
, Valentine Joseph G, Williams Roger L
Sep/Oct 2003
Pg. 361-363

View Sample
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Refractometry
Allen Loyd V Jr
Sep/Oct 2003
Pg. 383-385

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Viscosity Measurements
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2003
Pg. 305-309

Accuracy of Graduated Cylinders
Newton David W
May/Jun 2003
Pg. 208-210

Product Containment in the Compounding Laboratory
Vidrine Eric
May/Jun 2003
Pg. 213-214

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Principles of pH
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2003
Pg. 225-227

View Sample
The Cost of Quality in Pharmacy
Kastango Eric S
Nov/Dec 2002
Pg. 404-407

View Sample
Comparison of Endotoxin Testing Methods for Pharmaceutical Products
Joiner Timothy J
, Kraus Paul F, Kupiec Thomas C
Nov/Dec 2002
Pg. 408-409

View Sample
Quality in Pharmacy: The New Zealand Experience
Hamilton Pauline
Sep/Oct 2002
Pg. 354-358

PostScription-Ensuring Compounding Excellence: Quality Control or Quality Assurance?
Kupiec Thomas C
Mar/Apr 2002
Pg. 160

Quality Assurance for Sterile Products
Kastango Eric S
, Douglass Kate
Jul/Aug 2001
Pg. 246-253

Analytical Testing Facilities and Products
Hudson Sonora
Jul/Aug 2001
Pg. 284-286

Analytical Testing of Extemporaneously Compounded Preparations
Kupiec Thomas C
Mar/Apr 2000
Pg. 105-107

Analysis of Extemporaneous Alprostadil Formulations
Sarver Jeffrey G
, Peng Ning, Lerdkanchanaporn Supaporn, Oravecz-Wilson Katherine, Alexander Kenneth S, Erhardt Paul W
Mar/Apr 1999
Pg. 148-155

Testing for Bacterial Endotoxins
Jelinek Todd
Sep/Oct 1998
Pg. 379

Preservation, Sterilization, and Sterility Testing of Ophthalmic Preparations
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 1998
Pg. 192-195

Some Quality Control Tests on Chromium Picolinate in Solid Dosage Forms
Al-Achi Antoine
, Greenwood Robert, Beasley Shawn
Sep/Oct 1997
Pg. 349-351

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